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It's a beautiful morning in California. The boys are sleeping in their beds in the same hotel room. RINGGGGGGG RINGGGGGG!!!

"Whoa!" Jimin says, falling out of his bed by shock. The boys start getting up and rubbing their eyes. "Jimin, are you okay?" Jungkook asks him, helping him up. Jimin nods his head and rubs his back. "Guys, would you all stop being so clumsy?" Rap Monster asks them. They don't say a word. They all walk out of the room and heading downstairs. "I'm starving." J Hope says. They all giggle. "We all are Captain Obvious. Thanks for the warning." Jungkook says, smirking. "Shut it Jungkookie." J Hope replies, rushing down the stairs to get some breakfast.

They all finally get downstairs. J Hope rushes to the fridge. The rest of them just sit down. J Hope glances all over the fridge. He finally grabs a vanilla yogurt and some chocolate milk. He comes back and sits in a chair next to Suga. Jimin constantly keeps rubbing his back from the fall. "Are you sure you're okay Jimin?" Jungkook asks Jimin. He nods his head. Jungkook just rolls his eyes and gets up quickly to go to the fridge.

Jungkook comes back with a glass of 2% white milk and an apple. "Aw, you're eating like a little kid. How cute." J Hope says, taking a spoonful of yogurt. "Shut up J- Hope. Says to the one who is eating vanilla yogurt with a baby spoon." Jungkook replies. J Hope realizes he has a baby spoon in his hand and gives out a weird laugh.

They all just roll their eyes at J Hope and laugh.

They all finish breakfast and head back upstairs to get dressed for the day. "So guys, are you ready for the concert tonight?" Rap Monster asks them, looking in his suit case for a shirt and pants. "It's just like every other concert we performed at. But yeah." V says, putting on his shirt.

Rap Monster looks over at V. "Can you change in the bathroom?" He asks V. "Jin is in there." V replies. "Jin takes a long time to change." Jimin says, combing out his hair. Jin finally gets out of the only bathroom and sits on a bed to put on his socks. Jungkook goes into the bathroom with a comb and hairspray. "Who you getting all dazzled up for?" Suga jokes. "Nobody." Jungkook replies, walking into the bathroom.

"Ha, maybe he has a secret girlfriend." J Hope whispers. They all laugh. "I doubt it, who would go out with that kid?" V jokes while eating a bagel.

"Well, he is the cute one." Rap Monster says. "We are all cute in our different ways, let's not compare ourselves to Jungkookie." Suga says, drinking some apple juice. "But all the girls fall for him." Rap Monster adds. "No they don't. They all fall for Jimin." Suga says, laughing at Jimin. Jimin just rolls his eyes and pretends he isn't listening.

"C'mon Jimin. We are just playing around." Suga says, putting his hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin brushes Suga's hand off his shoulder. Suga shakes his head at Jimin and laughs. Jungkook comes back from the bathroom and sits on the floor next to Jimin. Jungkook notices that Jimin looks frustrated. "You okay?" Jungkook asks Jimin. Jimin nods his head and moves away from Jungkook.

"Was it something I did or say?" Jungkook asks them. They all shake their heads no. Jimin looks over at Jungkook. "No it isn't you guys." Jimin says. Everyone looks at him. "Then what's wrong Jimin?" J Hope asks Jimin. "I just need a girlfriend, I'm just so lonely." Jimin says, stuffing his head into his legs. The boys look at each other. "How can you be lonely when you got us?" Jin asks Jimin, combing his hair. He shrugs his shoulders. "Well, we do have a concert tonight." V says, drinking a sip of milk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jimin asks V. "V, this why we call you not intelligent. Because you make no sense." Rap Monster chuckles. V just laughs it off. "I think he means Jimin will pick up a girl." Jungkook says, brushing his hand through is bushy hair. Jimin laughs. "Yeah right, they will probably all go for Jungkookie." Jimin says. Jungkook gets wide eyed. "What?" Jungkook asks Jimin, staring at him in the eye. "You've done it now Jimin, now way getting out of this one." J Hope says to Jimin. "They will all go for you because you're the cutest one." Jimin explains to Jungkook, starting to sweat.

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Jimin gets up and lays on the bed on his stomach. "Are you guys jealous of me?" Jungkook asks the boys. "No, why would you think that?" Jin asks Jungkook. "Because you guys think that the fans only love me, but they love all of us. The fans love us for who we are, not for what our appearance is." Jungkook explains, buttoning his shirt. They all look at each other. "That is true." Rap Monster says, having a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Guys, lets just forget this whole subject and continue on with our day. Shall we?" Jin suggests. They all nod their heads in agreement.

All of the boys finally get themselves together. "Where is the concert?" V asks the boys. "It's here in California. It's only a few miles away from here. That's why we are here silly." Rap Monster says, messing up V's hair. V hurries up and fixes his hair, acting like nothing happened.

"Oh okay. Cool." V replies. "So what do you guys wanna do?" J Hope asks them. They are all just lounging around, not doing anything. "Wanna go out for lunch?" Jungkook suggests. The boys don't answer. They were ignoring him for some odd reason. "Did you guys hear my question?" Jungkook asks them. No answer.

Jungkook shrugs his shoulders and goes on his phone on Twitter. "Wanna go out for lunch?" Jimin asks the boys the same question as Jungkook. "Not really. I don't wanna be seen. Then the press will get to us and I don't wanna deal with that." J Hope says. Jungkook has a surprised look on his face. "I asked the same question and nobody answered me." Jungkook says. "Oh sorry Jungkookie. If you thought we were ignoring you, we weren't. You just asked it so quietly." J Hope explains. "Yeah right." Jungkook mumbles.

The day passes on. The boys ordered some food. But other than it, it is a boring day. They do their own things and wait for the concert time to arrive.

A/N: Hey ladies and gents!! If you clicked on this story, scroll to the comments and tell me what you think of this beginning chapter. I really hope you guys and girls liked it!! Slam a finger on that 🌟!! Thank you!!🌈💕 love you guys and girls!!❤️😘🤪

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