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Chapter Twenty: Fight

** I was dazed when we reached the ballroom, my thoughts were muddled from the surprise kiss, but I did know one thing: stay close to the Vampire! He lead me straight through the ballroom, not stopping for anything, and into the fighting chambers where a large crowd had gathered. The news of the fight between the Vampire and Sebastian spread quickly, and, what I figured to be the entire vampire population showed up to create an audience! The bleachers were jam packed and creatures even sat on the floor! A few hung from the ceiling, but I, I got a VIP seat since I was his pupil and, simultaneously the thing they were battling over! I was able to stand next to the ring, on the Vampire's side to watch the fight; he removed his shirt once more once he was in the ring and I tapped his leg, calling for him.

"What?" He asked, bending down to me, kneeling, his crown tattoo never left my memory, but it was only now refreshed that I saw it again.

"Your tattoo...what is that? What does it mean?" I asked, pushing myself up, so my upper body was in the ring. He grinned and got a bit closer to me.

"A blooding tattoo, every vampire's got one." He smirked and pointed to my wrist, where a black blotch sat; I glanced up him. "Yours isn't completely finished since you're only a half." He explained, pausing. "I'm surprised you didn't notice it before, it manifested when you were eating."

He added, standing again and swinging his arms, getting himself a bit loose for the fight. Within moments the crowd began to drum up and Sebastian waltzed into the room, smirking proudly; he lifted up his hand and the entire room silenced in a matter of seconds. "So, O.G., you seem quite more than ready to fight." Sebastian said, giving a sharp toothed grin.

"You're not wrong on that, Sebastian, to find out how eager I am, how about you come into the ring and I'll show you." The Vampire growled, leaning on the rope; Sebastian chuckled and shrugged off his cloak, taking off his shirt, causing a group of women to whistle and hoot loudly; he winked at them and a woman fainted. I rolled my eyes and the Vampire chuckled, shaking his head. "Such a ham" he muttered under his breath and walked to the other side of the ring, allowing Sebastian to enter it.

"I'm waiting, O.G." Sebastian said, flexing his muscles whilst opening his arms; the Vampire nodded and turned away for a moment, causing Sebastian to look away, when the Vampire, Erik, turned back and drop kicked Sebastian in the back of the head. Sebastian fell forwards and hit his head on the pole of the ring; there was an audible gasp in the crowd and Sebastian paused, chuckling. "That was a good one, O.G., a very good one." He laughed, stepping away from the pole and laughing, blood dripping from his lip; he threw a punch at the Vampire, but he dodged it and punched Sebastian in the ribs; Sebastian stumbled back and ran at the Vampire, yelling out, the Vampire stepped out of the way and grabbed Sebastian's hair, throwing him to the ground and slamming his knee into Sebastian's chest.

He grabbed Sebastian's throat and pressed his thumbs hard against the soft flesh of his throat; Sebastian kicked and beat on the Vampire with his fists as the Vampire plunged his nails into Sebastian's throat and blood began to spill over the cuts and it ran off of his neck; the Vampire leaned a little too close to Sebastian and Sebastian freed his hand and socked the Vampire in the jaw a few times, causing the Vampire to roll off of him, holding his cheek. Sebastian growled and jumped on the Vampire's back, tearing at the Vampire's chest and leaving long scars, especially across his pectoral muscles; the Vampire cried out and fell backwards, slamming against the tarp, causing Sebastian's back to crack and he to yell out in agony. The Vampire stood and grinned, kicking Sebastian in the gut multiple times until blood lined Sebastian's mouth and he rolled onto his back, hissing and baring his fangs at the Vampire; the Vampire only chuckled. "Told you I was prepared you soulless bag of shit." He hissed, grabbing Sebastian by his throat and holding him up, squeezing his throat and grinning as blood poured from the cuts in Sebastian's throat.

"Feel alive, Seb? Feel the blood pouring from you? I can make you bleed it all out, even the meager amount you've got." He growled, holding Sebastian an inch from his face. Sebastian growled and kicked  the Vampire in the crotch, The Vampire groaned and leaned over enough to allow Sebastian to touch the tarp again, he freed himself from the Vampire's grasp and kneed him in the face; the Vampire fell to the tarp, pushing himself up slowly.

Sebastian leaned out of the ring for a moment and came back up, holding a wooden stake and advancing upon the Vampire; I jumped into the ring as the Vampire rubbed his face, still upon his hands and knees. 

"No!" I screamed, covering him, breathing heavily and spreading my arms out, to cover his body. The crowd gasped and there was silence for the longest time. "No, Sebastian, no." I said softly; he grinned and chuckled.

"You honestly believe I still won't stab you just because I've taken a fancy to you? You're replaceable, just another girl." He grinned, taking a firmer grip on the stake.

"Then do it." I hissed. "Stab me, do it." I commanded, Sebastian grinned.

"Your wish is my command, sweet cheeks." He lunged at me with the stake and I jumped up, grabbing his wrist and wrapping it behind his back and snapping his arm, I slammed him down against the tarp, I pressed my knee against his arm and snatched the stake from his hand; breathing heavily as I held it and kept him down, at least, for a few moments. With his one free arm which I had neglected, he forced himself up, pushing me off of him; he lunged and pressed me down, against the tarp.  "Like I said, I don't need you, doesn't mean I don't want you." He chuckled with a sharp toothed grin; I lifted up my head as fast as I could and smacked it into his forehead.

"Go to hell" I growled, gritting me teeth; he seemed unfazed by the headbutt and grinned.

"Oh, baby, I'm already half way there." He said, about to bite my neck, when the Vampire loomed over him, a chair risen above his head, and smacked Sebastian in the back of the head with it. Sebastian's head was imprinted in the chair. He only groaned and turned to the Vampire. "Do you mind? We're having a moment." He hissed; the Vampire swung the chair again, slamming it into Sebastian's cheek. The Vampire shoved Sebastian off of me, by pressing his boot to Sebastian's ribs; he picked me up and carried me out of the ring; Sebastian came to his senses. "Hey, you decorated piece of shit, fight's not over." He called; the Vampire turned and grinned.

"She's made her choice, and I'm done with you. I've pinned you down for more than a three count, as the ref." He said, setting me down and holding my hand, limping out with me and taking me back to the room.

--I didn't need to dress his wounds, he only had to rub a bit of spit on them and they completely disappeared! "Why'd you do something so stupid?" He asked, breaking the silence which engulfed us.

"What?" I asked, getting into my nightgown.

"I could've taken him, June, that was just plain foolish. Don't ever do that again." He growled, standing and putting a shirt on.

"Oh, so, you're mad at me for saving you?"

"No, June." He growled, standing. "I could've taken him just fine."

"Oh, yeah, because a wooden stake hurtling towards you is totally not going to hurt you whilst you're not looking and in pain." I hissed, turning away and shaking my head. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, smiling weakly at me, he patted my hand gently and I sighed. He graoned and sat onto the couch, putting a pillow over his head.

"Morning." He groaned and I paused.

"You mean 'night'?"

"No, remember, vamps sleep during the day? So, in stead of 'night' we say 'morning'." He grinned and replaced the pillow; I rolled my eyes and laid down in the bed, pulling the sheets up to my shoulders. But I didn't sleep that night, the threat of capture from Sebastain loomed over my head.

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