Hope Against Hope

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Hope Against Hope 

The Vampire returned in the hail of glory, almost all civilians cheered at their speedy return, and those civilians who were related to someone under the Vampire's command, ran to their loved ones who were either in clean armor, or armor that was bathed in blood. When I saw the Vampire, something, like a ball of emotion, gathered inside of my chest, which caused me to run and jump into his arms as he strode up to me--nearly toppling him over! He was stunned for a moment, before laying his arms about me and holding me close. I held him as tight as I could as the ball of emotion exploded within my chest, I felt nearly inseparable from him. 

Seeing this, the Vampire let out a dark chuckle, but not one that struck fear within me, it just made me smile. He lifted me into his arms and carried me, instead of pushing me away. With a smirk painted on his lips and his eyes showing great fatigue, he walked me to the throne and collapsed into its forgiving, cushioned embrace. He held me upon his lap. He would not speak for the longest of moments, his champagne gaze swimming over me, again and again, until he found it appropriate to speak. "Details" he demanded, though, his voice wasn't stern, or harsh in any way, it was simply...exhausted. 

So, with a breath and a sweet smile, I laid out the events of the battle for him--sparing him nothing of the abnormally degenerate details of the skirmishes I was engaged in; as well as disclosing the wickedly astounding behavior which so changed in the 20,000 troops he'd left me. He only appeared interested when I spoke of the personal altercations between myself and the flying demons; sitting up slightly, with narrowing eyes which watched my every move and hands which held me firmly to him. All else in my telling, he was leaned comfortably against the back of the throne, his eyelids drooping to a close--shielding his champagne irises-- and his entire body began to radiate relaxation. "Why are you falling asleep?" I asked pointedly, with more sass than anticipated; he opened one eye, to observe me. "I should be the one falling asleep--we killed at least 60,000 flying beasts! You all only had to deal with 300--and I had less soldiers!" 

"I gave you the better of the soldiers" he said, his voice low as he closed his eye once more. 

"But you were expecting a fight, we weren't! We were attacked by more flying beasts, we pushed them into a retreat for their lives, and we only lost 200 creatures. Not to mention, my shoulder was crushed, I ripped a beast's torso open, ripped out his heart, crushed his rib cage with my face, drank his blood from the heart, and strangled another beast with the former beast's intestines--and I saved more than a few lives today--I am the one deserving of a nap." I explained, crossing my arms upon my chest; now the Vampire opened his eyes once more, though, they were half lidded. 

"I am the one forced to deal with you in all hours of the night and day--I win." He replied simply, offering a sly smirk. 

"Oh, shut it." I grumbled, turning away from him for a moment, before turning back, feeling more than a little, playfully, insulted. "I am damnably wonderful! What have you for complaints?" Asked I, watching him expectantly. He mumbled something beneath his breath before sitting up again, his irises were a darkening pink, almost appearing bloodshot! 

"You are not the master, June, do not pretend to take power from me; if you try it once more, I will show you how much power I truly have." He growled, his tone, however melodic, dropped to the depths of hell and his eyes stared hard at me; I felt the cold heart in my chest leap into my throat! I wasn't trying to take power from him! I was...I was...what was I doing? My mouth hung agape for a moment, but words refused to spill from it! The Vampire cocked an eyebrow, expectant for a sure-fire comeback. I did not give him that. 

"....I'm sorry" I said after a few moments' pause. Then, I bit my tongue, this would surely rise his spirit--but, oh, the humiliation! I hated that word. "...Master" I added on a breath, finding the word's bitter taste sweetening on an exhale. The Vampire did, indeed, begin to grin mischievously; I didn't know if he liked to hear the word pass through my lips, or the struggle which I went under to push the word out of my vocal chords. 

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