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Chapter Twenty Nine: Labyrinth 

It was a dome, a clear dome that reflected the candle light that shone off of every corner, trying to light the puzzle of walls I had been thrown in. I stood in my nightgown--I had been bound and blindfolded in my bed by someone who I did not recognize, and I was stolen out of my bed! I kicked and fought, with all I could at the time, which, was only wiggling and muffled yelling, until I was dumped into this dome place, and the blindfold, along with the gag, were removed. Before I could turn, the door slammed shut, and whoever took me here would not be revealed just yet! I hissed and glanced down to see what I was bound with, luckily, it was only rope! 

I could easily bite through that! 

And, so, I moved my arms up, and sunk my fangs into the material, making it snap in half within moments! I did this several more times, leaving the shreds of rope on the floor, where I had been. When I stood, I turned around and around--as far as I could see there were walls everywhere--in a certain pattern, and only opening at certain places! I was in a puzzle! "Damn" I whispered, shaking my head before realizing, the dome! Maybe if I hit the dome hard enough, it would break! And so, I reared up my arm, and squeezed my fingers into a fist, giving out a yell, I ran at the wall, and with all my might, I brought my fist slamming into the wall! 

I yelped at the pain, and stumbled back, tripping over my feet until I fell backwards, my back thumping against the ground--stealing my breath! I gasped and agony immediately shot through my fingers , making me crumple up, my other hand pressing where the pain radiated from. Groans dripped from my lips as minutes drew on, but, in time, the throbbing ache which plagued my hand began to fall away, until it felt normal again! Astonished by how fast I healed, I sat up and moved my hand around, testing all of its functions, and, indeed, everything worked correctly! 

Standing now, I noticed the dome didn't carry any signs of wear! Nothing! It must've been made out of something super strong! I turned and began walking into this puzzle of walls; when I made my way inside, I was given a choice, there were two openings beside me, right, and left. Both openings were completely identical; the same grey color as the rest! They were the same size (which was about three times my height) and everything! 

I gave a quick tap to my chin, I couldn't be haphazard about this, this was like those puzzles in coloring books I would receive every Christmas or so from Santa (or so the tag would say). There was a logical way out of this, I was completely sure! However, this was nothing like those puzzles in the coloring books; there was no way to fly above the great labyrinth in cheat and decipher which way to go based on the common goal set forth. No, this would have to be figured out by foot, on the go, like a maze of corn, farmers would sometimes construct in order for extra payment around Halloween. 

Except, in those mazes, there would be clues marked along the way to say that, indeed, you were going the right way--but in this, everything was completely the same! Save a few extra twists and turns, but one couldn't know if they were going in circles or not! In this way, it was extremely easy to become sick with the ruse. 

The walls, as I've aforementioned, were extremely tall, three times my height and not hollow at all! They seemed to be filled with concrete, and as much as I rammed my body against them, their spirits were stubbornly immovable. They were the color grey, an ashen grey, like of lips when one begins to feel faint; and they offered a sleek, cinder block surface with no cracks nor crevices for a hand or foot to take hold of. But, my god, my constitution would not be desecrated so easily! I hunkered myself down into a squatting position, not really minding the terrible tension this had on my sleeping gown, and giving a little wiggle as cats do before they pounce, I stretched my arms up and leapt as high as my straining calves could take me!

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