Chapter 21: Blood

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Chapter Twenty One: Blood

**Though Sebastian made no attempt to kidnap me, I still worried. So, when the time to rise came, I was completely and utterly exhausted. The Vampire still slumbered when I rose and dressed myself; I sat before a mirror and stared at my blurry reflection, moving my head from side to side and watching the correlation in the mirror. My reflection seemed different, slower, somehow; perhaps it was only because it was now blurry, or I was so exhausted my brain began to play tricks upon me. I gave a quiet sigh and glanced back at the Vampire to see him toss over, groaning softly before his light snores continued. I rolled my eyes, deciding that coffee would be the best medicine for a weary morning!

Upon that note, I stood slowly, attempting not to make any noise as I tip toed to the door; cringing when the lock clicked and the wood creaked on the golden hinges when I swung it open. Though, the Vampire never moved, nor batted an eye! His chest rose and fell steadily and he seemed deep in his slumber, though, my suspicions spoke to me of the exact opposite. Shrugging those off, I closed the door behind me, letting out a breath of relief when I stood in the hallway; I turned to the banister and took steps forward to that, smiling to see no one below. I must've been an early riser!

Taking the first step down the stairs, I shivered, the floor was absolutely freezing! And, here I thought the inside of caves were supposed to be warm! Perhaps it was warm when there were so many vampires speaking and acquiring space, and it was genuinely cold when no one was up and about. Well, almost no one. Down the stairs I hurried, pulling my nightgown tighter about me when goosebumps rose on my skin; I was still half human, and, sadly, felt cold and hot, but, I also didn't need the pestering task of drinking blood or killing people.

One could say I got the better end of the stick.

I, of course, got lost more than once, and had to be pointed in the right direction by a guard; one even decided to walk with me, so I wouldn't get lost again! "Yeah, this place can be a little disorienting, 'spcieally if you don't know it well." Said he, he wore plain clothes, but in his left hand was a scythe, sharpened and glowing in the candle light, this weapon he held at rest, swinging it with the motion of his arm at his side. On the opposite end of the stick, it was sharpened into a point, in case someone or something needed to be dealt with immediately. I made a point to stay away from that weapon, even though I wouldn't turn to dust when it pierced my heart, it would hurt like hell and I would still die, if he so decided I need to be...dispatched.

He was, unlike the other guards, short, though with him he carried no Napoleon complex; if anything, it was quite to the contrary! He was very calm and collected, never once becoming defensive of his shortcoming. He looked to me for a moment, however, and his eyes narrowed. "I've seen you 'round here before...but where?" He asked, more to himself than to me; he paused and tapped the scythe against his hairy chin; his lips pursed as he observed me, trying to place me to a location.

"Well...I came by here yesterday with my...master." I said, barely working the word 'master' between my lips. It felt, demeaning to call someone 'master', I was ultimately objectifying myself as an item rather than a person. Shoving these feelings to the back burner, I continued. "We got drinks and we sat here until Sebastian came and I left my latte." I finished, showing him to the exact table. He only nodded and turned to the little shop, turning me with him, and we both found that it was closed; he only grinned.

"It's alright, you look tired, and besides, you came all this way in your nightgown. Go on in, I'll be right here." Said he, giving a nod. Quickly, I thanked him and slipped inside easily, the door was unlocked! Once inside, I found an extra large cup and, in a few moments of tinkering, got the coffee maker started.

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