Mid Book Ask Chapter

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Mid Book Ask Chapter!


These questions are ranging from first asked to last asked, so, here we go!

~~Now I want to know in what year is your story taking place?--EvaAuthor

This story takes place in early 1920's

~~Why do they hate her so? Is it because they hate Jack, or because she is American or what?--Aria

If I remember correctly, it was just because she was new and they were trying to break her in.

~~Why is that opera ghost singling her out?--Aria

 You know why. *Wink, nudge nudge*

~~So V (vampire) and Jack have met before?--Aria  

Oui, Jack has worked at the Paris Opera House two years (I think) before June arrived, so, yes, it's quite safe to say that The Vampire and Jack have had dealings in the past.  

~~ What did V mean by saying Alex the sourpuss was at deaths door?--Aria  

He's subtly hinting that he killed her.

~~Haz u been bitten?--Aria

Possibly, but that is for me to know, and for you to never find out ;)

~~Is it like the Daroga and Erik? like Jack saved V's life and uses that against him?--Aria

Ah, smart you are, mademoiselle! The second question I can say is, indeed, correct, however how Jack saved his life will remain questionable until I fathom it up!

~~ Regular sips? Whenever?--Aria

Oui, regular sips; he likes him some June! Haha.

~~Why didn't June's parents want her to come?--Aria

Because, they didn't necessarily like Jack, if that makes sense. Besides, Paris is a long ways from America, especially in that time and her parents would worry for her; wouldn't you worry for your child if they were basically unreachable?

~~What musical?--Aria

We performed the Wizard of Oz and it was fantastic! However, I split my big toenail in half during 'Munchkinland' and my dress flew up and I got hit with the middle traveler; all during 'Munchkinland'! (On the very last performance, of all things!) It was...crazy, but amazing. I can't wait for next year's musical! (I'm hoping it's the Little Mermaid or Phantom!)

~~But how did she [Donna] find him [The Vampire]? --Aria

In my mind I have it that she walked down into the cellars and began yelling for him to show up, possibly yelling curses at him in attempts to offend him so he would have the more likelihood of showing up.

~~And so how he [The Vampire] fancy her [June]'s cooking?--Aria

In my mind, he likes it. Then again, he is basically a walking corpse with very few working taste buds, so, yeah. I think he likes it, though, I believe I've failed to mention that they only eat to feel human, like, food poses them no nutritional value at all. So, to them, there's no point in eating, however, the Vampire eats in that particular scene to show that he's always going to be there, and it was also meant to scare June, a little. To be mindful of what she says and where she goes, for he is always watching.


Long nails + Years of Experience + Lock = No problemo for The Vampire.

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