Chapter Two: How to Introduce Characters!

Comenzar desde el principio

"SO IS YOURS!" Sasuke retorted.

"What I do is authorized by the Village!"

"You act like that makes sense! Is killing and stealing suddenly okay because a small group of people allowed you to do it?"

"Of course not!" Itachi snapped. "However, as an ANBU of the Hidden Lead Village, I need to turn you in."

"Itachi!" Sasuke yelled. "Are you really going to throw me in jail?!"

"I..." Itachi should turn Sasuke in. Sasuke was a criminal. Sasuke has killed people!

But then again, so had Itachi.

"Do you plan to continue your...job?"

"Yes," Sasuke said with zero hesitation. "I do."

"Sasuke..." Itachi whispered. "I...I support you."

Sasuke suddenly put on a blinding, Naruto-ish grin. "You won't regret it!"

"I better not."


"What are you doing here? This is for graduates only!"

Naruto, who had just walked in, said, "Are you blind, Kiba? Do you not see my forehead protector?"

Kiba growled. "Knowing you, you probably stole it off of somebody!"

"Nah, that's more Sasuke's thing."

"Maybe you had him do it for you?"

"While that seems like something I might do, I wasn't that desperate."


"Kiba," Sakura said, interrupting them, "I assure you that Naruto is, indeed, a Genin now. So can you stop shouting?"

"S-Sorry, Sakura," Naruto and Kiba stammered.

Sakura took her sunglasses off of her eyes and put them on her head. "Apology accepted. Now, come on Naruto. Sasuke said he had big news."

Naruto blinked. "Okay."

When they walked over to Sasuke, he was cramming food into his mouth.

They turned to Choji, who was sitting next to him, and gave him a questioning look. Choji shrugged. "He asked for food and I gave some to him."

Naruto and Sakura turned their gaze back to Sasuke, who paused. "What? I stress eat!"

"No you don't."

"Well, I do now."

"Just tell us what happened."

"...Itachi knows."

Naruto choked. "When?!"

"Last night. I managed to convince him not to report me."

"Oh," Sakura said, sighing in relief. "I thought that I'd have to off him."

"No offense, Sakura, but you realize that my brother's an ANBU, right? Your average goon can't kill him."

The Gambler, the Thief, and the Black-market BossDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora