Chapter Sixty - Should'a Known

Start from the beginning

Our laughter was cut off as soon as it began.

A deafening crashing echoed through the night. Our gazes whipped to the fence just in time to see the gate rattling shut. It wasn't locked, but the once open entrance had now been closed off.

When the sound of the gate shutting died off, the only thing to be heard was the heavy breathing of everyone in the car. None of us dared to speak, move, or turn away from what had just happened.

That all changed when something smashed into the side of the car. My startled scream rang through the night, prompting another push at the vehicle in the very spot Will was sitting. He sprang from his seat, throwing himself to the other end of the car the same moment I took the keys from Raven's hands and shoved them into the ignition.

"Go!" I screamed at her as the back of the car was hit, propelling us forward.

Raven fumbled for a moment before slamming on the gas, barreling the car straight through the crumbling fence. The large car easily pushed over the metal, but the assaults against us refused to cease. As soon as we'd cleared the fence, something heavy came down on the top of the car, plunging the roof down on our heads. This time, Raven's screams echoed my own.

The car swerved when something appeared in the road ahead of us. Raven tried to gain control as we were hit from the side, but the momentum was too much. We collided with the trees. My vision went dark and all I could hear was the crunching of metal and snapping of wood.

By the time we stopped moving, my head was spinning and my ears ringing. There was darkness all around. I strained to hear past the ringing to listen for the sounds of Raven or my brother, but there was nothing there. Nothing, until I was propelled from my seat and lifted into overpowering arms.

I fought against their grasp, and as soon as I did, they let me go. I blinked several times, forcing my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. The first thing that came into focus was Will's eyes, staring wide into my own. The next was the blood running down his face.

He was cupping my jaw, moving his lips with words I still couldn't hear. When his gaze darted behind him, I realized we were sitting outside the crumpled and smoking car. Raven was a little ways off, holding her head and leaning against a broken tree. Behind her, a figure lingered.

Garbled speech left my lips as I reached out to warn her. Will whipped around to face where I was staring, but he wasn't quick enough. The figure reached out and took hold of Raven's arm, pulling her into the shadows.

All at once, my senses came crashing down on me. The pain in my head. The lingering echoes of screams. The thick smell of smoke. Liquid running down my face.

"Samantha!" Will pulled my attention back to him, screaming my name.

My breathing quickened as trembling hands searched for his. He took hold of my wrists and lifted me off the ground, leaving the car to our backs. We both scanned the forest around us, straining to hear anything other than our own panicked minds.

"Will," I whispered, "what's going on? Where are they?"

He moved his hands to grip my shoulders, holding my swaying body in place. "I don't know. I don't know what happened. Can you stand? Are you hurt?"

I chanced shuffling my feet, finding my balance growing steadier by the second. "I think so, and no, I'm fine." I gasped then, catching a look at my brother. "Will, you're bleeding-"

He cut me off and wiped a hand down his face, shaking his head. "I'm okay. Whatever it was is healed." His eyes narrowed as he looked at a spot near my temple. Without warning, he reached forward and ripped off my sleeve, folding it into a makeshift cloth. "Hold this against your head. It should slow any bleeding."

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