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August 25, 2018

I didn't see or hear from Elizabeth for almost two months. I was itching to get in contact with her but I had no excuse to. I busied myself with pack work so that I wouldn't think about her too much, it didn't work that well.

I was sitting in my office when I heard a knock.

"Come in." Sawyer peaked around the door with a smile on her face. She sat across from me and slid a box towards me. She looked suspicious and a little nervous so I was hesitant.

"Open it." I did as told and when I looked in it I saw a tshirt. I pulled it out and it said "World's best uncle" I looked up at Sawyer and looked back in the box and then back to the shirt.

"Are you pregnant?" She shook her head slowly and I quickly got up and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you." We both sat back down.

"So how far along are you?" Sawyer couldn't stop smiling and I was glad that she was happy after everything that she's been through.

"About 8 weeks,I'll find out the gender in about 12 weeks. We're going to announce the pregnancy tomorrow and I want you to be there. We're having family dinner after." I nodded along as she talked and I was so happy that Sawyer was going to have the family she always wanted.

Once we said our goodbyes and Sawyer left I grabbed some food before getting ready to go to sleep.

I laid in bed just looking up at the ceiling thinking of Elizabeth. Part of me felt like a creep because I couldn't get my mind off of this 16 year old girl but I know she is my mate, we're destined to be together.

Once it was time to head to Sawyer's I got ready way too quickly and showed up a little early. I knew that at the very least Elizabeth would be at the announcement. What I didn't expect was to walk into the kitchen and see Elizabeth wearing huge glasses with her nose in a book.

I sat on the stool next to her and she didn't even notice. Her caramel hair was wrapped up in a bun on top of her head and she was wearing shorts that were way too short for any other guy to see her in.

I didn't look for too long before pulling my phone out. I guess the light from my phone caught her attention because she turned and looked to me.

"Good morning, Alpha." I looked to see a slight blush on her pale skin.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. Please call me Graham." She nodded and sent me a smile before looking back to her book. She didn't take her eyes off of the page as she spoke.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you in something other than a suit." I looked down at my button up shirt and jeans. "It's nice."

We didn't talk after that because she had to leave to get ready. Sawyer was running through the house like a chicken with its head cut off and it was a little amusing. When she noticed my presence she ran over and hugged me before running back up the stairs.

Kaden joined me shortly after looking exhausted.

"Dude what happened to you?" he looked over to me running a hand down his face.

"Ever since I found out that Sawyer was pregnant I've been working non stop. This part of the pregnancy she can do everything on her own and the baby isn't doing any movement that you can feel so I'm not missing out on too much. But when the time comes for the baby to move and Sawyer to need help I want to be there for it. So I figured if I do all of the work I can now there will be less to do when she needs me." I nodded at him. I was proud of how hard he is working for Sawyer and their baby.

We carried on talking about Alpha things because to be honest the most we've talked about is Sawyer and we both know everything.

When Elizabeth came back down the stairs she immediately caught my eye and everything Kaden was saying was going in one ear and out the other. He turned and looked at her and then looked back to me.

"No fucking way." I looked back to him with big eyes telling him to shut up. Elizabeth was wearing a black sundress and her long hair was perfectly curled. Kaden snapped his fingers in front of my face and I looked away but not before seeing a blush on Elizabeth's face.

 Kaden snapped his fingers in front of my face and I looked away but not before seeing a blush on Elizabeth's face

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A/N This is Elizabeth's dress

Sawyer yelled for Kaden and he was quickly up and jogging up the stairs. Elizabeth took a seat next to me and I couldn't stop the stupid words from coming out of my mouth.

"You look beautiful." She tucked her hair behind her ear and said her thanks without looking me in the eye. Don't get me wrong She looked like a goddess but I can't flirt with her.

"Do you remember how you said if I need anything that I can contact you?" I turned towards Elizabeth.

"Yes, that offers still stands."

"Can I ask you for advice?" I nodded urging her to continue. It was going to be a challenge to focus on her words and not the way her voice sounds. "The house I'm living in is officially in my name but I can't afford to pay the bills. 3 funerals really takes a toll on the money your parents leave you so I don't have the best finances. What should I do?"

"Well, are you willing to sell the house?" She nodded a little quickly and you could tell she was nervous.

"It's not my parents house. Dallas sold their house and bought a smaller one for the two of us."

"Let me talk to Sawyer and Kaden about you staying here. If they agree then you can save your money to get you by until you're ready to move out." Elizabeth was looking down at her hands and I noticed the way she played with her rings. One day I'm gonna place a ring on her finger.

"What if they say no?" I didn't even have to think before the words I really wanted to say practically fell out of my mouth

"I'll request a transfer and you can come stay in my pack house."

As soon as I stopped saying the words Kayla showed up and dragged her away before I could even get a reaction. Kaden replaced my mate and it defiantly was not the same.

"Do you have the hots for my sisters best friend." I punched him in the shoulder, hard.

"No shut up. If I tell you this you have to keep your mouth shut. You can't even tell Sawyer yet." He nodded his head quickly like when you bribe a child with candy.

"Elizabeth is my mate, but she doesn't know." Kaden's eyes got huge.

"You have to tell her. You have waited 3 years to find your mate and you finally have." I just shook my head as he talked because as badly as I wanted to tell her I knew it wasn't the right thing.

I knew my mate but my mate didn't know me and that hurt more than anything.

The announcement went by as normal and everyone was excited for Sawyer and Kaden. Afterwards I talked to them about Elizabeth's situation and they agreed with me that she should stay with them. Sawyer promised me that she would take care of everything and Elizabeth would be safe. I just wish I was the one protecting her.


Personally I think Graham and Elizabeth are already lowkey cute. Kaden knows Graham's little secret so let's hope he keeps that to himself.

This chapter is dedicated to @foreversmilin who wrote "Mailboy" I absolutely loved this book you guys so go check it out because it is definitely worth it.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO

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