Chapter Seven: Pillow Fight?

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I wake to familiar voices. 

"According to her friends, this isn't the first time this has happened." A professional female voice states. 

"You're saying this has happened before?" A male voice asks.

The female voice answers, "According to the tests we took, this has happened numerous times."

I know they're talking about me. About my father. About what happened, again. The memories come flooding back and I hear my heart start to race, with the beeping that I'm hooked up to. 

"She's awake, can you please go get her friends while I check her?" The female voice asks. 

I guess the male voice nods because I don't hear anything besides footsteps leaving.

 "Ms. West, can you open your eyes?"The woman asks.

I flutter my eyes open slowly, blinking against the bright white lights. I see the face that belongs to the voice. It's a woman with a kind face and pale blue eyes, she looks to be around her early 40's. She's wearing purple scrubs, so I assume she's a nurse.

"Am I in the hospital?" I ask groggily 

She smiles sadly, "Yes, dear. Can you wiggle your toes for me?"

I wiggle to toes easily. "Where's my father?" I ask.

'He's in custody of the police." 

"And....his, friend?" I ask.

She answers with gritted teeth, suddenly angry. "He to, is in custody of the police." She begins straightening my sheets and checking my vitals while muttering profanities under her breath. All I can understand are the words that sound like,' Horrible men', 'burn in hell, ' and 'rot in jail.' I almost smile. 

"Sophie!" I hear a voice exclaim from the door of the room. 

I look and spot Maddie, rushing over to me, the rest of the boys staying by the door, looking incredibly upset. 

'Maddie!" I  yell in an equally loud voice.

She rushes to me and hugs me tightly, I grunt in pain. She may look petite but she's strong.

She releases her hold on me and backs away so the others can get a good look at me.

Josh scratches the back of his neck and gives me a wolfish smile. "How ya feel Soph?"

The only answer that I can think to give him is a sarcastic one. "Amazing Joshy. I'm feeling pretty damn dandy."

He looks away to the others.

What the hell?

"What's up, guys?"

Drew steps forward, "We all kinda feel like crap right now."

I sit up on my elbows. "You guys feel like crap? Imagine how I feel."

"No, I mean we feel like crap because we knew what was going on in your house and we didn't do anything. It took you going to the hospital for us to do something." His words are fast and rushed.

I roll my eyes. "It's not your fault, you know that. You all know that. I told you guys not to get involved."

Maddie shrugs and sighs deeply, "That's not an excuse. You aren't known for making the best decisions in the world." She smiles at me and I see the rest of the group start to smile as we all think of the stupid things I've done since we've all met.

The nurse clears her throat, a nice way to get us to look at her. "Well, Sophie, you seem fine to me. You can go when you're ready. Any questions? Do you have a place to stay?"

Do I?

I look to Maddie and she smiles a huge smile and squeals in excitement. "Of course you can stay with me! I've been waiting for have a sleep over with you since we met."

I roll my eyes, I've been doing that a lot lately. "The first thing you thought when we met was, 'I wanna sleep at that girl's house?'"

"No, you just seemed really cool so I knew if I spent a night at your house we could cause some major damage."

"Oh." I reply. "Ok. Well prepare to have your dreams come true. A night with Sophie is underway." I wink at her.

The boys step forward. "Can we join?"

"Will there be a pillow fight?" Josh asks.

Geez boys, keep it in your pants.

"Well first, we have to actually get there. You can come if you want. Do you mind Maddie?"

She shakes her head. "Nope."

I look to the momentarily forgotten nurse. "I'm all set."

She smiles warmly, "Okay, then I guess you're ready to go. Did anyone bring her clothes? She didn't come here with anything on, except her shirt."

Josh hands Maddie a plastic bag. "Yeah, Mads packed some clothes."

I take the bag from Maddie's outstretched hand. "Okay, I'll get changed and then we can leave."

They all leave the room.

I get up from the bed and take out the clothes from the bag. I see my hair brush, a white, lacy bra and panty, and my outfit. The shirt was teal and flowy, it had subtle ruffles along the middle. There was also white jeans, pearl earrings, and brown sandals with a strap.

(( a picture of the outfit is on the side))

A very Maddie-like outfit.

A very un-sophie-like outfit.

But unless I wanted to go to Maddie's house in a hospital gown with my butt sticking out, I have to wear this.

I quickly changed into the outfit and used to brush to tame my tangled hair.

I but my sneakers from yesterday and my shirt and the blanket in to the bag and opened the room door.

Maddie rushed over to me and looped her arm through mine. "We're off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!" She sang loudly as we skipped down the long corridor. People gave us funny looks but Maddie was beyond caring what people thought of her anymore.

Its time for a sleepover I guess.


Thanks for reading. Sorry for not posting in so long, I have a lot of work in school. I'm in theater now so I have to rehearse for a lot of stuff. During winter break I'll try to post a lot more

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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