Chapter five: They Want Me

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I looked over at James, who sat in the passenger seat."You know, you're really stupid for doing this." I stated as I started my car.

He smirks, "I've been told." he says.

I shake my head and drive out out the parking lot of the school. "Why do you want to do this?" I asked.

He shrugs, "Didn't learn my lesson last time."

I snort and turn my left blinker, "I sure did." I mumble.

I stop the car a little down the street so my car wasn't in view of the house.

"Why'd you stop the car all the way over here?" James asks.

I shrug, "In case of a quick escape. Plus, I don't want him to see us." I explain.

He nods his head in understanding.

I open my door and so does James. We both close our doors at the same time.

I circle the car and place a hand on his chest a he practically struts up to my house, "Are you crazy?! He'll tear you apart if you go in there without me. Slow down Stud Monkey." I spit at him.

He raises an amused eye brow, "Stud Monkey?"he questions.

I roll my eyes, "Yes, now lets go.

We get to my front door and I look at James, "Let me warn my father first. Then, I'll call you in." I explain to him. I look over his shoulder and see only my fathers old pickup grey truck.

I pull my key out and unlock the door. I don't bother closing it yet. I put y key back into my pocket and creep around the corner into the living room an see my father sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Hello father." I say with a shaking voice.

He grunts. The usual greeting.

I gulp. "The boy who came last time is here. He would like to come in."

My father turns his head and looks me in the eyes, "Bring him in." he says menacingly.

I nod my head and walk out. I look at James and wave my for him to come in, not being able to find my voice.

He looks surprised but comes in. He looks around, "Nice house." he comments softly.

"Who do you think pays the bills." I mutter.

He chuckles lightly.

We round the corner and see my father standing in front of the TV. I notice now that his eyes are glassed over. He's drunk.

"Hello." My father says in the voice he only bears with strangers.

The smell of alcohol reaches my nose and I resist the urge to gag. I can tell James can smell it too because he coughs.

He takes a step forward and I have to pull all the self control I have together to stop myself from yanking him back. He reaches a hand forward to my father. "Hello mister West. Nice to meet you." My father places his hand in James' hand and they shake. I can tell my father puts a harder force on James' hand because I see him wince.

"Father." I say in a warning tone. His eyes flicker to me. He lets go of his death grip. "This is James. We are doing a project together." I say trying to cover up the warning in my tone.

He keeps eye contact with me, "We'll, you two might wanna go upstairs to do your project, I have guest coming over. " he says.

I knew that was a threat. Father knew how much I despised his friends.

I gulped, nodded, and grabbed James hand. "Lets go up to my room, James." I say softly.

"Keep the door open." My father growled, now locking eyes with James. James nodded his head timidly.

As we were almost to the stairs I stopped and closed the front door. I saw cars pulling up to the driveway and ran to the stairs, grabbing James' hand on the way.

I was stilly running when I reached my room, opened the door, and ran inside, letting go of James' hand and plopping on my bed, breathlessly.

James took a deep breathe. "Why did we run?" he asked with wide eyes.

I propped myself on my elbows and looked him in the eyes, "My fathers 'friends' are here." I say putting up air quotation marks with my fingers around the word friends.

"So..." he trailed off.

I plop back on my back. "They want me." I state with a shaking voice.


Hope you enjoyed. It took a while to write but it was totally worth it. I have to honesty say that I like this story better than the others I've written so far. Tell me what you think of it so far.




Be awesome, wait you're already doing that! hehe

#one of a kind writer

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