He Saved Me

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I groan as I roll over and click the off button on my alarm clock. I get up and look around my room lazily. The dark purple walls with all sorts of posters on them. The three shelves that hold books or a few stuffed animals I collected over the years. I didn't have a lamp like any other bedroom, I had small fairy lights hanging all around. I smiled. I loved my room. It was my safe haven. I pick out my clothes for today. I choose my black shirt that says 'I look better naked' on it in white letters. I choose white, pre-ripped jeans to go with it.

Lastly I add my black combat boots that I loved so much.

I step outside my bedroom and listen for signs of life. I hear nothing. Good. I sigh in relief as I creep to the bathroom. I shut the door firmly shut behind me and run the water a little, so it's not to loud. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and behind brushing my teeth. After I finish I grab a cloth, wet it, and clean the sleep from my face. I grab my brush and it glides through my long brown hair. I look at my eyes. I think I loved my eyes most of all, one is blue and one is green, I love them because they make me unique. I turn off the light before I open the bathroom door and creep into the dark hallway. I make it to my room and slip on my outfit plus my black hoodie before grabbing my keys and phone. I examine myself in my mirror on my door. My almost waist length brown flowing hair was naturally messy in a sexy way. My body was average I guess i had a pretty good chest and ass and i could pull of the no makeup look perfectly. I put on some mascara, light concealer for a few freckles, and some lip gloss.I look around for my bag before I remembered it was I left it in the car yesterday. I tip toe out my bedroom and down the stairs, out the back door. I click on my phone and read the time. 6:57. I sigh in relief. I'm early. I quickly text My crew, Josh, Maddy, Drew, and Jaden.

To: Joshy, My bitch, Drew <3, Big Mack.

From: The bitch came back

'Out the house, unharmed!' I pressed send then walked to my my used Porsche. I got it from my aunt Diana, she works at a car dealership and someone dropped off this car and never came back, she fixed it up, and gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday. It was shiny black with red, soft seats.

My phone vibrated in my hand.

From: Joshy.

'Whole crew here. And good to hear! Get to school fast, we got news.'

I frowned at my phone. News? What news? I quickly hopped in my car and sped off toward my school.

It took about ten minutes to finally get to Rocky Mountain High. I parked in my preserved spot in the parking lot, grabbing my bag, and stepping out. As normally, people stared. They whispered, and I ignored. The guys eye raped my body and girls looked at me with hatred.

I saw my whole Crew at my locker, watching me make my way towards them. "Good morning." I say in a fake cheerfully way. "What news did you guys have to tell me?" I ask as I put my bag into my locker.

I hear Maddy's voice answer my question." We have a new student." She says quickly.

I look over my shoulder at her. Maddy: innocent yet complete badass. Her blond hair with dark highlights falls in curls around her face. Her bright blue eyes always full of curiosity. Today she was wearing a dark red dress with a black choker around her neck finished with Black spiked heels. Needless to say, she looked hot. Me and her both have really long legs that we love to flaunt. Her heels made mer legs look longer than usual today and she pulled it off without looking lanky.

"So what? A new kid. Oh, and by the way, you," I motion to her outfit. "are sexy." I finish with a wink, turning back to my locker.

She laughs, I could picture her flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Tell me something I don't know, Soph." we all laugh at that.

Josh clears his throat, "Anyways. The kid walked into school, looked around, came to us, and demanded to hang with us.'

As his words I slam my locker closed and spin around in my heel, "He what?" I all but scream.

They all flinch back. "Where is this brave new kid?" I ask.

They all point further down the hall. I push past them, already knowing they were following me, muttering something along the lines of 'damn new kid thinks he owns the place.' as I strut down the halls.

I get to the end and spot the new kid. I only know he's new because me and my Crew being the 'badasses' of the school, know everybody. He's tall and muscular with broad shoulders and shaggy dark brown hair. He's leaning against the lockers with a cocky smile as the girls surround him. He's wearing dark blue jeans with a plain white V neck shirt.

His smile gets bigger as he sees us approaching.

He pushes the girls aside and he meets us halfway to him. He looks me up and down with lust clearly showing in his electric blue eyes. "Well hello. I'm James. James Mason. Who might you be?" he asks with almost innocent eyes.

I have to resist the urge to sneer at him, "Sophie. West." I snap harshly.

He smirks. "I see your little Crew told you about my demand I take it?" he questions.

I narrow my eyes at him, "You don't demand anything. Not in this school. We run this school. We keep it in order. We don't want some cocky asshole messing with that." I spit angrily.

He smirks bigger. "Challenge accepted." he states as he simply walks away.

Oh god. He's gonna get the wrath of me.

That's the intro to my new story.Hope ya like it! Enjoy and comment and vote and share and all that awesome stuff. I'll love you to pieces if you like my story! It took an hour to write no joke. Anyways enjoy my story and have fun reading like the little awesome people you are!

Peaceskiis <3

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