Chapter two: Look what you make me do.

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My hands were shaking on as I gripped the wheel and made a turn. I held my breath and prayed to everything and everyone I loved that my father wasn't home.

Of course, the Gods hated me. As I looked out to my house I saw my fathers dirty red pickup truck. With other cars as well.

Did he have guests?

Please no.

I almost stopped the car when I decided I wasn't about to risk anything.

I looked at James in the corner of my eye, "Maybe we should go to your house." I said.

"Is that your home?" he asked, pointing to my house. It felt weird having him even looking at it. The small, shabby, paint-peeling, piece of shit I call my home.

I almost denied it, not having my father barging out the front door, loopy as an oaf.

He bellowed to my car, "Get your ass in this house!"

I shrunk back into my seat and shouted back to him with a slightly wavering voice, "Yes, father. Be right there!"

He grunted and turned back inside the house.

"Is that your father?"asks James.

I nodded reluctantly, "Sadly yes.I could drive you home f you like. Or you could stay in my car, till I come back out." I suggested, fearing he didn't want anything to do with my father.

He shook it head quickly, "No way! I want to meet this man." he exclaimed.

My eyes grew the size of gold balls, "You want to meet him?" I asked, as if hearing it again might change what he actually said

He chuckled and started taking off his seat belt. "Yes, Sophie." he said slowly, as if talking to a three year old.

I parked my car on the street, as for a quick get-away.

James got out the car and started making his way up the sidewalk to my godforbidden home.

I sprinted out the car in front of him and smiled nervously, "Ok then."

I opened the door to be quickly met with a hard punch in the face with sent my body spiraling to the floor.

I grunted as my body made contact with the hard wooden floor. "Where the hell have you been? You little slut, probably out on a street corner selling your body!" he yelled.

I wanted to lay on the ground longer, but I knew better then to lay on the ground afterwards.

I stood to my feet, "I was at school father. This, "I gestured to a shocked faced James. "is James. He's my partner on a project.

My father seemed to notice James for the first time. He made a disgusted look. "Get him out of here. Than get your restarted ass back here and clean this house. Now." he hissed.

I felt the sting if a slap on y face and a hard grip on my throat. "Get out!" he roared into my face.

He let go of my neck, letting the color flow back where it belonged as I grabbed the still shocked James by the arm and dragged him out. I threw open the car door for him and shoved him in.

I then, ran to my side and climbed in shakily.

"What the hell was that?" James shouted.

I flinched back. "Welcome to my life James. Not everyone has it as easy as you rich snobs." I growled.

I started the car and drove of as fast as my car could go, which made my body along with James' get slammed back into our seats.

"He can't do that! Thats child abuse!" Janes kept saying.

"Well James. It happened. Im taking you home, then going back." I stated as I turned a corner.

His hand came down on my own which I hadn't noticed had been shaking the entire time.

He said in a slow voice. "You're not going back there." he stated.

"Where are we going?" I asked, ignoring his demand.

He frowned, "Take a left, right and keep going down on Rosetta Ave." he informed me.

I knew that street.

I took a left as instructed and kept going till I was able to make a right and kept going straight.

The car had fallen silent.

He pointed to a large, blue and white house.

I stopped the car in front of the house.

"Listen, Sophie, I can get you out of there. I ca-"

I cut him off, "No! James, just drop it. I can handle him myself. I've done it before." I said, staring straight ahead, focusing on blinking away my tears.

He started again, "What about your Mother?" he asked. My body froze. "Isn't your mother doing anything to stop it? Is she helping him? Is your mother just as horrible as that m-" I cut him off with my hard glare I was sending him.

"Do not speak of my mother that way!" I screamed at him. Tears rolled silently down my cheeks. "My mother loves me! She would never allow something like this to happen! Just shut up and stay out of my business!" I screamed. My vision was clouded with a red tint.

How dare he talk of my mother that way! Who did he think he was?!

"Sophie, I'm only trying to he-" once again I cut him off.

"No! No helping! Just get out and forget what you saw today."

He opened his mouth to argue once again. My words beat him to it. "Get out! Get the fuck out of my car!" I screamed. By now I was crying in hysteria.

He didn't make any move to leave so I glared the best I could while crying. "Didn't you hear me! Get the fuck out off my car!" I screamed.

Why wouldn't he leave?

He finally got out of my car.

I sped off forwards to who knows where. I stopped the car on an empty street, and bent back to the back seat of my car.

I felt my hand grab a small box. I wrapped my fingers around it.

I pulled it towards me till it was sitting in my lap. I read the label.


I frowned at it. I couldn't believe that man had drawn me to cutting my self again. Piercing my skin. My own skin.

I sat up a little to pull jeans down to my mid thigh, then sat back down.

I brought the razor to my thigh and sighed heavily.

Hear goes nothing. I though as I dragged the cold metal across my skin.


Okies. There's that chapter! Sorry its kind of depressing and shit But hey! oh well. You clicked this story so this is what you get. sorry to disappoint.


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Woop woop. so glad people are actually reading this thing! shocker to me! but thank you readers for putting the spark back into writing for me!

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