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I was woken up by our maid, Amelia, lightly tapping my shoulders. I let out an annoyed groan, and told her to get out of my room, and that I am up. I have no idea why she woke me up this early! I got my iPhone, when I unlocked it, my eyes went wide as realisation hits me like a brick. It's Monday. Summer's finally over. Today is the first day of school. I'm now a Freshman in High School. Oh joy! Note the sarcasm. I got up, went straight to the bathroom, and took a bath.

As I finished rinsing, I put a towel around me, and went inside my walk-in closet. I have to look perfect for the first day! I decided on a plain white shirt that fit me perfectly, a cropped leather jacket, and high-waisted denim shorts. I looked at my reflection on the mirror, and I look dashing, if I say so myself! I almost forgot that I haven't picked my shoes yet. I walked over to the shoe section and began scanning them. My eyes landed on a pair of black leather boots with four inch stilettos. Perfect! I wore it, then started modelling in front of the mirror, admiring my fabulous outfit. I went out of the walk-I'm closet, then went to sit in front of my dresser. I remembered that I haven't fixed my hair or applied make-up yet.

I sprayed heat protector on my hair first, then began curling it. It was simple, yet nice.

I looked at my make-up sets and began thinking of what to apply. I don't want to cake my face, so I decided on a black smoky eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, blush, and pink lipstick. I look so cute . . . looks like my vanity is levelling up.

I went downstairs, and the smell of pancakes filled my nostrils. I walked to the table and silently ate my breakfast. As I finished, I called Amelia, to get my plate. I grabbed my Jimmy Choo handbag, called my driver, Alex, to drive me to school. I got out of my house and walked to one of our cars. I picked one of my favourites, the black Range Rover. I sat on the back seat, and pulled out my pink iPod, and listened to Little Mix.

When we arrived, I quickly went out of the car, without a single word. I went inside the campus, only to be greeted by my ex-best friend, Mandy.

"Hey Diana!" Woah. Doesn't she remember that we aren't on talking terms right now?!

"Erm. Hi?" I greeted but it sounded more like a question.

"Look, I'm sorry! I want us to be best friends again!" She exclaimed, fake smiling. She's obviously still fake. Hell no.

"Ugh. Whatever." There goes my snobby side again. Mandy is fake anyway, and I definitely do not give a fuck about her, therefore I just walked away.

What the hell was that all about? I thought.

I grabbed my schedule, and went to my locker. I placed my books and notebooks. I went to my first class, History. Oh god. I SUCK at History! The teacher isn't here yet. I saw that Tracy -my eleventh grade enemy- was in this class too. God, help me. Then I saw the hearthrobs. Drake, Josh, and Patrick. They're really nice, not your typical man whores, who bully nerds. Nope. They don't bully, they like joking though, sometimes it just gets out of hand.

I saw an empty seat beside a lad that I have no idea who. He seems intriguing though. He's quite short, compared to me. He's not really slim, but at the same time, he ain't fat. Kinda chubby. He has jet black hair, that isn't styled at all. Looks like, I don't have a choice. It's the only seat left. I walked to the empty chair, and sat, without saying a single word. It seemed as if I didn't acknowledge his presence. I took my black iPhone 5S out, and posted a duck face selfie on Instagram, with a description saying, 'Waiting for the teacher to arrive. I'm so bored. Help... #Bored' I got likes and comments after about five minutes. I noticed the boy curiously looking at me, it's getting annoying. So I turned around, meeting his gaze. He has dark brown eyes.

"Hi, what's your name?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Hello. I'm Diana. You are?"

"Austin" he replied. Hmmm. Austin... Cute name. "Do you know Call Of Duty Black Ops 2?" He added the question. Yes! A gamer!

"Well, duh! It's like one of the best games ever!" I exclaimed. You see, I'm quite girly, but when it comes to video games, you'd see a new me.

"You play it?!" He asked, obviously surprised.

"Yeah. I do. Why are you so surprised?" I asked

"You just seem so... Girly, and you're a girl." He answered. Oh hell no. Sexist.

"Sexist idiot!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I am girly, but when it comes to video games, you'd see a new me. The side that no one would've thought exists." I added.

"Oh. Sorry 'bout that. I'm just not used to girls playing video games." He apologised. He didn't need to apologise.

"It's fine! You didn't need to apologise!"

We heard the door open. Our teacher just entered.

"Good morning, class." He greeted

"Morning" some responded

He just discussed some crap about the history and all. I didn't listen at all. I grabbed my iPhone, placed it somewhere the teacher won't see, and looked at the tweets on twitter.

When the bell rang, the class hurriedly went out. As I was putting my iPhone on the bag, it feel. Thank god it has a case. Before I could grab it, Austin did. When he handed tot to me, our hands brushed. I felt something. Something I thought I wouldn't feel for a long time.

Sparks. Butterflies.

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