Chapter 34

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Days went by without any word on where my dad was hiding. With each passing day the hurt faded more and more. Well only because I had Blake and Liam by my side helping through everything. Even though  I was unbelievably angry that my dad and his evil wife got away, there was a plus side, one I wouldn't have realized if it weren't for Blake sitting with me on the bridge that day. Since my 'parents' were trying to hide, the house was empty. I could finally go back home. As much as I hate to say it, my dad was responsible back in the day. He paid the house off. No bills left to pay on it. Just in case you aren't picking up what i'm throwing down, I can go back home and have the house all to myself. 

When I first walked in the house I had forgotten just how messy it had got. Dishes piled high, molded food in the fridge that had been sitting there for weeks. It was a work in progress but I had cleaned everything up. It took me two days. Twp fucking days from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. 

I was currently sitting on the couch watching basketball. I mean what else would  I bed doing. I heard the front door open and I knew it was either Blake or Liam. I didn't really let any one else come over just because I didn't want any one else to come over. 

"Hey babe" Blake called walking into the living room where I was sitting. 

"hey" I smile. He was one of the few people that still gave me butterflies when he walked into the room. Scratch that. He was the ONLY person who could give me this feeling. 

Blake took long strides over to the couch and sat down next to me. I immediately scooted close to him and laid my head on his shoulder. He moved his arm around me and pulled me in close to his body. His scent filled my nose and comfort filled my entire body. Nothing felt like home with out him. 

"How're you doing" he asked me once a commercial came on taking our attention away from the game. 

"Good. There still isn't any word on my parents. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to though."

"I swear as soon as we find them i'm gonna kill them." Angry laced his voice and his body went tense. 

I sit up and look at him and softly cup his face in my hands. Eyes filled with rage and protectiveness met mine. Ever since that day he found me in the parking lot he's always had this protective instinct with me, even when we weren't together. 

"Blake, what goes around comes around. They will get whats coming to them I have no doubt. The cops have a warrant out  for their arrest. They're bound to be found and when they do they are going to be locked up for a long time. That's even worse than death in my opinion." 

"Why are you the reasonable one in this situation" He laughed, almost all anger leaving his body.  "Oh, and get ready cuz were going to a party tonight. 


IM BACK! sorry i havent posted in so long, a lot of stuff happened. Dont worry tho im finna post way more now guys. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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