Hanging out

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"So, you still haven't talked to your dad?" Liam asked once I got out of the shower. 

 "Nope, and honestly, I'm not planning on it." I say pulling a shirt over my head.

   He shakes his head in response, causing me to let out a deep sigh. I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to stay here, but I know I don't have that much longer. Tomorrow will have been a week since I've been here. When my dad does find out where I am, I'm so dead, that's a fact.  The punishments could go on and on. 

"Where are you gonna go when my mom says you can't stay here any more?"

"I don't know yet. All I have to do is last till next month, then I turn 18 and can go do whatever I want. Maybe I'll get a job then buy an apartment."

"Hazel, we both know that that's unrealistic." He sighs, looking at me sadly. 

"Yeah. We should head to school though, I'll have an answer by the end of the day. Don't worry" 

Liam nodded and walked over to the door, opening it and walking out, me following behind him. We both said bye to his mom and walked out to my car, driving away to school. The car ride was silent, nothing could be heard but the radio. It took us five minutes to get to school. LIam parked, and then we both got out, walking side by side into the school, like we always did. 

As soon as we walked in, Something felt off. You know those days were you can just tell something bad was gonna happen? Well I had that feeling, and it sucked. I had no idea what would happen, or when. What if it was just a figure of m,y imagination? What If i'm freaking out for no reason? 

"Don't worry Hazel, We'll figure it out, okay?" He said to me when we reached my locker. 

"Yeah, I know. I have other friends I can crash with, It just won't be as fun as hanging out with you." I smile at him. 

"HAZEL, PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE." The intercom said. This was probably why I had a bad feeling. 

Liam looked at me worriedly. I just smiled at him again, and hugged him good bye, making my way to the principles office. When I finally made it to the office, Blake was sitting in one of the chairs, smirking when he saw me. 

"Wow, you got called in here, and I didn't even have anything to do with it, I'm disappointed. "

I glare at him, walking over to the seat furthest away from him, making him laugh. I'm glad he finds this funny.  Mr. Hendrix walked out a few minutes later, looking stressed as ever. Well that's new. Usually he looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world, which I'm guessing is usually the case. 

"Hazel, please come in now." He said. I sneak a glance at Blake, and see he was just as shocked as I was. Whatever was happening was bad, really bad. And I was the cause of it. 

I slowly walked into the office. When I see who's standing there makes me freeze, and the air get knocked out of me. How? There stood my dad and Tammy. I start to back up until I feel the door hit my back. NO! Oh god, he was gonna beat me as soon as we were alone. Literally, he had that  certain look in his eyes that basically screamed 'I'm gonna kill you!' 

"Don't you dare" Tammy sneered at me, looking me dead in the eyes. "Do you know how worried we were about you? "She quickly covered up, making it seem like I wasn't going to get it when I got home. 

"I'm glad that nothing bad happened to you Hazel. Your parents called me yesterday, asking if you had shown up to school, and I said yes. Since neither I, nor your parents knew where you were, I told them to come first thing in the morning." 

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