The disaster

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I walked up the steps leading into Jake's cafe. I can't believe I've been working here for two months. It feels like just yesterday I was going through training and having anxiety taking peoples orders. But it's been great. 

"Hazel, I need you to take table five!" yelled Cameron, my coworker. She was honestly so funny, and one of my best friends here. 

"On it!" I shouted back heading out the kitchen to table five. 

I took long strides over to the table. I noticed that an older man and women were seated there, but I couldn't get  good look at there faces. That's cute that they are older and still able to go on dates. I hope that I find someone that will love me like this when I'm older. I may not be old, but I have Blake who I love this much and I know loves me this much. 

When I finally get to the table I feel like the wind got knocked out of me. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask my dad while I look over at Tammy. 

"I didn't realize we were banned from this cafe. I also didn't realize that they let skank's work here." He replied.

"They don't, that's why Tammy never got hired." I smile sarcastically. What are they doing here. Now that they know where I work they could follow me home and beat me. They could turn my life back into a living hell again in a matter of seconds. 

"You little bitch" Tammy seethed in a low whisper. 

"I'll be right back with your waters." I quickly say turning around and walking to the bathroom in the back. The last thing I need is to make a scene and get fired from my job.

I quickly rush into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind me. I lean over the toilet and immediately I throw up. Breathe in. Breath out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm down Hazel! You have to! 

I pull my phone out while taking deep breaths. I frantically scroll through my recent text and find Blake's contact and quickly hit the call button. I could hear the ringing faintly as I continued to try and keep my breathe under control while leaning against the cold tiled wall. The last thing I need right now is a panic attack. 

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. 

"Is anyone one in there?" I heard a high pitch voice say. It wasn't just any high pitched voice though, it was Tammy's. Come on Blake answer the damn phone!

"Hello?" Blake answered the phone in confusion. I didn't usually call him while I was working.

"It's..... an.....emergency" I quietly wheezed, it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe. Why did I forget my medicine! 

"Hazel, what's happening?" Blake asked panicked. 

"Dad.....Tammy...... at work..... can't....breathe" I gasp, the knocking on the door getting louder. How am I suppose to calm down when someone that scares the shit out of me is banging on the bathroom door.

"Shit! I'll be right there. I'm gonna call Liam to,okay."

I nod silently, only to realize he can't see me nod over the phone. "Okay." I manage to get out. 

How could this day have gotten so bad. It started off so good. I was at a place I love to be and working with people I truly care about and love to be around. But no, this just had to happen. Luckily for me, the cafe is a local place and Blake and Liam only live 5 minutes away. This is the only time I'm thankful for living in a small town. 

"Hello? Who's in there I need to go to the bathroom." Tammy yells from the other side of the door. If she knew I was the one in the bathroom holding everything up I would be dead in a second. 

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