Its a brand new day

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What was that. God, why can't I just sleep in peace. 


I groaned and swiped my hand threw the air, trying to get rid of whatever was bothering me. 


This time I shoot up, looking around to room, searching to find the culprit poking me. Liam was sitting across from the bed on his desk chair laughing with a stick in his hands. You have got to be kidding me. I was not getting woken up like this. I glare at him, waiting for some kind of explanation. After a moment of silence, I let out a sigh.


"Well what?" he asked innocently. Oh, but I knew better than that. 

"Why was I woken up to you poking me at," I paused, looking over to the clock sitting on his night stand. "Five in the morning. I don't have to be up for another hour."

"Well, I woke up and couldn't fall asleep, so if I can't sleep you can't sleep." His deep laughter filled the room, much to my annoyance. "Come on, you know its funny."

In all honesty, this was something I would have done to him, so yes, it was funny. Just not five in the morning funny. Later on today though, that's when I will be able to laugh about this. I got up off the bed, and walked towards the bathroom that was connected to his room. He laughed even harder at my actions. Why, I have no idea. 

"What are you laughing at." I snap, getting annoyed.

"Your hair!" He shouted.

I went to look in the bathroom, and much to my avail, It was a birds nest. I knew I should have brushed it out before I fell asleep, but I was just so tired from the days events. Despite the horrific sight in front of me, I started laughing with him. Boy was this going to be a story for him to tell at my wedding, or funeral, which ever comes first. I have a feeling that if my dad finds out I'm here, then I wont ever be married. Its hard to meet people when you dead. 

After I finished my business in the bathroom, I went back into the room to find Liam changing. I grabbed a pillow off his bed, and threw it at his head, successfully hitting him with a loud thump.He turned and glared at me, pulling his pants on. This wasn't something new, he did this every time I slept over. I walked over to my suit case, picking out what I was going to wear today, but of course, not with out my best friends in put.

"Wear your navy floral dress. You look hot in that."

I grabbed it out of my bag, adding a thick brown belt to it with a pair of tall, light brown leather boots. I then put my hair in a messy bun, leaving a few strands out. When it came to my makeup, I went for the natural look, applying only mascara and clear lip gloss.

"How much longer till we need to leave?" I asked him, walking over to see what he was doing on the computer. 

"About 20 minutes. You know what that means?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Cat videos?"

"You know it baby."


We both walked into school together, and people seemed to notice that I didn't look disgusting like yesterday. Okay, let me rephrase that, the boys seemed to have noticed that I was back to normal. As soon as Liam walked away to get books from his locker, I was invaded by them, a slow circle forming around me. 

"Hey hazel." Matt said, a guy that was on the team with Liam. He was fairly nice, but I wasn't really into him like that. 

"You looked like shit yesterday. What was up." Another boy asked. He wasn't on any of the sports teams at school, but he still had a body girls praised over, and was extremely popular at school. And, I just so happened to forget his name. I know, bad right.

"Just got tired beating the boys basketball team in practice."

The circle grew quit. Thank goodness. I just wanted to go to my locker, grab my books, and head to class so I could get there early and finish my homework. But no, now they needed to know about how I got onto the boys team, why I was on it, and if I was going to sleep with them. 

"Can you guys just move, I need to get to class."

"We will, but first you have to answer our questions."

Just then, Blake walked into the building. Most girls started whispering, staring at him like he was a bone and they were dogs. Okay, lets be honest here, most the girls here acted like 'dog' to, so my comparison was pretty spot on.One walked up to him, placing her hands on his biceps, giving them a light squeeze. I could hear her high pitch laugh from all the way over here.  Ugh, I swear that girls slept with every guy in this school. people really know how to make me mad. 

"Shut up! If you really care that much, go talk to Blake over there before he catches an STD." I say in disgust, nodding my head over towards Blake.

The guys start laughing, and I take this chance to leave, weaving through the tiny space they left open. I sprint to my locker and make it in record time. Letting out a breath of relief, I grab my English book and head over to my first class, taking my usual seat. 

When I made it in, no one was there, well, except the boring ass teacher. 

"What are you doing here Hazel?" she asked, looking at me like I was some sort of devil in a girls body. 

"I just wanted to get here early so I could finish my homework." 

"Well, my class room is not available today. "

I held in a eye roll and stood up, walking out  very irritated. First she gives me extra homework, but know I can't finish it in her class before when she clearly wasn't doing anything. I swear, she has it out for me. Always calls on me even when I don't have my hand raised, gives me, only me, extra homework, and she even yells at me for no reason. 

"Why the long face?" I look up to Kyle looking at me a smirk. This is fantastic. 

"Whats it to you."

"I can't check up on my ex?"

"No, that's not something sane people do. Why are you here."

"Blake didn't have the balls to say it, so of course he sent me to do it, but we need you to teach us all free throws. Coach decided it would be best to work on the together. Your teaching them with Blake to. " 

He walked away, not waiting for my answer. Well then, I think that's the most civil conversation I've had with him in a long time. But why exactly do I have to teach them with Blake, coach knows that he doesn't like me, and I don't like him. Wait a minute, he trying to get us to become friends. Well this will be one long ass practice tonight ...

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