Movie night gone wrong pt.2

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"Kyle?" I ask in shock. I mean it makes sense, he's best friends with Blake, but what the heck! He wasn't invited to our movie night. 

"Hazel, whats taking you so long! I'm starving."Blake yelled from the other room. 

I quickly did a double take on Kyle to make sure he wasn't the delivery man. But I think I would have noticed if he was caring a large pizza in his hands. He was empty handed and wearing the same clothes he did to school.

"Hazel, what are you doing here." Kyle asked me, looking angry as ever.  Wait, why was he angry. He was the one ruining my movie night. 

"Having a movie night with Blake. What are you doing here?" Now I was the one asking questions in anger. Kyle is the last person I want to see right now. Well, second to last. I think my dad will always have first place in these kinda situations. 

"I need to tell Blake something important"

"About what?" I ask putting my hands on my hips and raising an eyebrow. 

"Its none of your business." He mumbled angrily, shoving his way past me into the house. Whatever was so important, I was gonna find out. I mean who comes over to someones house unannounced. There's this thing called a phone and you can call someone before you come over and ruin there night.

Following right behind Kyle, I storm into the living . Blake looked up with shock written all over his face. I'm right there with ya buddy. 

"I have something important to tell you." Then Kyle looked at me and added "In private."

"Whats the big deal. Just say it right here. I don't think Hazels going to go and tell everybody whatever it is." 

"Fine. Stop hanging out with Her!" Kyle shouted pointing at me. "I told you to stay away from her!"

"Bro. no you didn't. You've told just about every other guy to stay away from her. You never told me to stay away from her." Blake said calmly, even though I could tell he was angry.

Wait, is that really the reason I haven't had a date since Kyle, because he was telling everyone to stay away from me! Now I was super pissed off. 

"You did what!" I exclaimed very irritated.

"Fine, then i'm saying it now. Stay away from her!" Kyle shouted, completely ignoring me. Don't you just hate when people talk about you like you're not there.

"Dude, why? I don't understand what the big deal-"

"You don't understand what the big deal is? I LOVE HER! She's mine and will only ever be mine!" 

My mouth hung open and everything was dead silent. Last time I checked he was the one who cheated on me. Who broke up with me, just because our teams were rivals. This is total BS. There is definitely something else going on here.

"What?" Blake was the first one to speak and break the silence.

"You heard me."

"Dude, do you honestly think she wants you back? You cheated on her. You told her that I told you to break up with her. You told her that you couldn't be together cause our teams were rivals? We all know those are lies. You made a sex tape with the girl you cheated with for crying out loud.  Bro come on, you pretty much screwed up any chance of being with her."

Finally I decided I needed to speak up. "He's right. I don't have any room for someone like you in my life. You don't love me. You cheated on me, and then didn't have the balls to break up with me to my face. I had to do it once I found out I was being cheated on. I didn't love you then, and I don't love you now. I moved on and I think you should to." 

Kyle's face had no emotion. Exactly, I don't know what kind of plan this was, but if the person I loved told me that they had never loved me, I would be devastated. 

"Fine." He said heading for the door. 

"You know, I don't mind being friends with you. I just will never love you in that way. You have to understand were I'm coming from." I call to him. He stopped in the door way and turned around to face me. 

"I guess. But do you know where I'm coming from. I just said I love you and you told me we should be friends. I bet you can imagine that I'm not exactly ecstatic to be friends."

"Don't you dare!" I yell pointing a finger at him  "I told you I loved you when we were together and you laughed at me. You actually laughed at me and never bothered to ever ask me what was going on in my life. You have no right to sit here and play victim. None of us do, got it." I looked around at everyone in the room and sighed. "I'm willing to be friends with you. The balls in your court Kyle, so you better figure it out before you loose it." Then I walked away, heading up towards Blake's bedroom. I needed a few minutes to myself before seeing him again. Quickly I slipped through the connecting door to his bathroom and locked it, sitting down on the toilet. 

I can't believe that Kyle seriously scared every guy away. No wonder that one kid in math was so freaked out to ask me on a date. Kyle probably scared the shit out of him. I know he doesn't love me. It's like when a dog pees on a tree, it thinks that it's their territory so they won't let other dogs come near it. They don't love the tree, they think they own the tree, and Kyle thinks he owns me because I gave him my v card when I was wasted. 

"Hazel?" Blake called through the door. 

"I'll be out in a second" I yell back, flushing the toilet and turning the faucet on. Hot water poured out and splashed into the sink. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I just had to pee." I lie. 

I stand there for a second and stare at my reflection in the mirror. The bruises had finally healed and the huge scratches have turned into 4 little scabs. I'm finally getting better and I'm never going back to my old life. I'm never going to let any one push me around and make decisions for me. Kyle had no right to do that to me. He couldn't possibly love me. And why is he getting mad at Blake for hanging out with me? Does he think me and Blake have something going on with each other? I mean Blake is cute and all, but I would never date him, right? 

I heard the door bell ring and Blake's voice suddenly echoed all the way upstairs. The pizza guy was finally here. You know what, I'm not gonna let Kyle ruin my night. I'm going to go down there and enjoy the movie and pizza and all the candy we bought. Nothing is going to stop me!

Determined, I ran down the stairs, smelling the hot pizza coming from the living room. When I entered the room, I found Blake slouched on the couch, a piece of cheese pizza hanging out of his mouth. A smile crept across my face, and I quickly sat in the spot right next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm perfect." I tell him, reaching for a piece of pizza that was sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

He gave me a doubtful look before pushing play on the remote. Dumbo immediately lit the TV screen. I took a large bight of my piece of pizza, the cheese creating a string as I pulled it away from my mouth. A little moan of delight left my mouth. This has got to be the best pizza I've ever had.

"Enjoying yourself over there?" Blake asked with a smirk on his face.

"More then you'll ever know" I reply back, talking about more than just the pizza


Sorry this chapter is so dramatic and crummy. I've been really busy with school. I'll try to start updating more though. 

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