Blake POV

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       I watched Hazel walk away quickly and shove the cold metal doors open. I couldn't take my eyes away from the door praying that she would walk back through them. How could I have not seen this coming! I mean they drove away from her easily in the parking lot with out an ounce of hesitation or guilt. If they could do it then, why not do it now.

  "Should one of us go follow her?" I hear Liam ask beside me breaking me out of my hateful thoughts. 

   "I don't know. Do you think she's going to go to the police station?" As the words left my mouth I immediately knew the answer. 

"You honestly think she is going to go back to the police station in that state?" Liam answers confirming my suspicions. 

 "I think we need to let her cool off for a little bit. I'm pretty sure I know where she ran off to"  

   Liam nods his head and places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna head to first period before i'm late. If you go out and find her please text me. I need to know shes okay." 

  With that Liam walks off. He really was a good friend to Hazel. He saved her when she was young, but now its my turn. I need too save the best thing in my life  and i'll stop at nothing to make sure it happens. 

   I start walking towards the same doors that hazel stormed out of just moments earlier. I have a feeling I know where she went off to. 


 "Oh my god this is a lot longer walk then I remembered" I say out loud shaking my head. 

  Of course her thinking spot was the hardest spot to get to in the whole city. A smile breaks out on my lips when I think about that. Of course she did that, it probably took her forever to find this place. Then again she probably had a lot of time hiding from her parents. The smile that once took over my face immediately dropped into a small frown.

 I look up and see her small frame sitting on the bridge, her long legs dangling over the edge. How can something look so beautiful when its broken? With long strides, I walk over to her and sit down. 

"Hey" I whisper looking at her. She continues to look at the water rushing underneath us and stays quite for a moment. She lightly flicks small rocks that lay beside her and watches them fall into the water completely disappearing.

"I don't understand" She whispers, a small tear trailing down her face. My hand avtomatically moved up to her cheek and wiped it away, lightly pulling her face to look at me at the same time. 

"I know baby, I know"

As soon as the words left my mouth she broke down into tears, placing her face into my chest and wrapping her arms around me. The harder she started crying, the tighter her arms squeezed me. I sat with her, running my fingers through her hair in an attempt to try and calm her. After what seemed like hours, her sobs slowly started to grow quieter and quieter. Eventually her breathes were quiet and even. 

"We're going to have to go to the police station eventually Hazel." I tell her once shes completely calm. 

She pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes. "Didn't you hear me Blake! They're gone! They're gone and they're never ever coming back! My supposed dad just left me, and hes never gonna come back and make things right, and hes never gonna get what he deserves!" 

It all hit me at once. Shes not upset that they escaped, shes upset because the man that was suppose to love and protect her abandon her with a single word. Didn't even say sorry for the things he'd done. She was wasn't just upset, she was broken. 

"I want to hate him so much, but when I think of him, I think of the old him. The one that stayed up all night and played board games with me and watched movies, the one who taught me how to play basketball. I want to hate him, believe me I do, but I can't help but love him." When she looked back up at me her eyes were filled with pain. 

"Is that way you wanted to play on the guys team when yours was cut?"

"It was the only thing my dad and I had Blake. It reminded me of the days when things were good. When he lost my mom, he lost his sanity. And when he married Tammy, he lost me."

"I'm so sorry Hazel. For being such an ass hole to you when you first got onto the boys team. I thought you were going to be some entitled bitch that had about as much talent as my pinky finger. But you're so much more. You're the strongest, most talented person I've ever met. I know you cant get the closure you deserve with your dad and step mom, but you're safe now. You're dad made his decision, and I know its hard. Believe me I know, but you also have so many amazing people in your life now that are here and ready to support you. I'm here to support you, and I always will be."

I watched as the slightest smile made its way up to her lips. "I love you" she whispered before leaning into me and staring down at the water once again. I sit there holding her. 

"Everything happens for a reason. Even though it seems horrible right now, it'll get better. This could be a blessing in disguise." 

"I guess you're right" she mumbled quietly "Me having to join the boys team must have happened for a reason, because Blake, you're my blessing in disguise, and you always will be"


Hey guys, I finally posted. I've had a lost of stuff happen this last year and I needed a break to clear my head and just heal over all. I'm sorry I was gone for so long. But hopefully things will start to calm down and I'll be able to update more for you guys. And hopefully no more sad shit will happen in my life lol.

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