Chapter Fourteen: At The Beach

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Maria’s PoV

July 12…

We decided to go to the beach…

“UMI GA~!! UMI GA~!!” Tsubaki-san exclaimed, running towards the water.

“Childish…” I murmured. “Still haven’t changed for the past 8 years…”

“You said it…” Xiane said, chuckling with me.

“I feel older because of him…” Azusa-san joined in our conversation.

Diane laughed.

“I HEARD THAT!” Tsubaki-san shouted at us.

The kids and the others went in the water, too.

“Best, just put on your swimsuit!” Joan said, trying to yank off my shirt.

“OI!” I exclaimed. “Back at the Philippines, we go to the water wearing shirt and shorts. Can’t I do that here??”

“Nope! This is Japan!” Maya said. “Now remove your shirt!”


I removed my shirt.

“Gaaa~h…” I murmured. “Where are you jacket?”

I sat down on the sand under the big umbrella and watched them all play.

Ru-kun sat down beside me. He handed me a tie and said, “Please do… tie my hair…”

“But you can do this perfectly,” I said. “Why me?”

“You do… perfect ponytails… Ma-chan…” he said. “Please~…

“All right…”

I tied his hair while humming to myself. I was behind him. And I don’t know why I did it, but I suddenly put my arms around his neck and hugged him.

I knew he was surprised because of my action.

He suddenly turned his head.



Oh my God…

He let his lips stay on mine for a second then nibbled my lower lip.

0__0 “Gaaa~h!” I exclaimed, pulling away from him.

(A/N: I hate writing these kiss parts… Especially detailed, but I need to do it… ---____--- Help me~!!)

“What’s wrong…?” he asked softly.

“What’s WRONG??” I gasped. “What’s WROOOONG?? TT^TT

“You kinda… kissed me back… you know…” he said, putting me on his lap.

I blushed. “I didn’t! And even if you insist, you still said ‘kinda’! KINDA! It’s kinda!

He chuckled then caressed my cheek.

“I love you so much…I need you like… how I need to breathe… Your eyes are my stars…without them my sky… is dark… You are my sunthat lights up my world… You hold the key… to my beating heart… You are my everything…” Ru-kun whispered to me. “I will make you happy…”

“I will, too…” I told him.

I was feeling guilty again…

At night, we all went to the cottage we were staying at and looked outside to see stars.

The two of us, Ru-kun and I, strolled along the sand near the water. He held my hand tightly…

Ne~! I’ll go look for sea shells!” I exclaimed. “I’ll go ahead, okay?”

And with that, I ran off.

Louis’ PoV

I tried to catch… up with her… But she suddenly… disappeared immediately...

I began to lose myself once more…

When she left me… I was still sleeping. And when… I woke up, she was gone…

I was feeling scared…

It’s like… she didn’t even existed… like waking up… from a dream… Is she just… a dream…? It can’t be… She was just with me… We kissed earlier… I held her… in my arms… She’s not a dream… SHE’S NOT A DREAM!

I spotted her… standing there… letting the water… soak her feet… She was looking up… at the sky with… sparkling eyes…

But the stars… cannot be compared… to her eyes…

Because her eyes… shine brighter…

I ran to her… and hugged her tightly…

I felt my tears… starting to fall…

Maria’s PoV

“I missed you… so much… Don’t leave me again…! DON’T…!” he cried.

I felt my tears falling down, too. “Gomene… Ru-kun, gomene… I won’t leave you anymore…” I said, hugging him back. “Never, ever…”

I was feeling guilty again…

= = = = = = = = = = = 

Ohayou gozaimashita minna-saaa~n!! ^__^v

I missed you guys~! xPP

Funny how in Manila, it's raining cats and dogs there while here in GenSan, we're complaining about how we'll end up being fried fishes here... ---___---"

To the people in Luzon, please take care!! ^__^ Don't forget to pray! It will all be fine.

Anyhoo, I don't know what I should do with my DiaLovers fanfic.

I'm thinking about putting the setting when Yui's already a vampire, or should I put my OC in the Mukami Household? But if I put my OC in the Mukami Household, it will be hard cause I haven't read the manga or played the otome game (which I really want to do~!!) so I can't put them much in character. --__--"

Oh well...

That's all for my blabbering today xDD Good day minna~! \(^o^)/

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