Chapter Five: The Anniversary

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Maria’s PoV



I still want to sleep…

This is my first time sleeping for so long since when I stayed in France… TT^TT


Leave me alone~…



“WHAAA~T????” I exclaimed, sitting up.

“Get ready now~!!” Maya said.

“Why??” I asked.

“It’s Miwa-san’s and Rintarou-san’s anniversary!” she exclaimed. “We should at least thank them for letting us stay here… If she didn’t let us stay here, we wouldn’t have met the rest…”

“I know that…” I groaned. “But what am I wearing??”


She held up a light blue dress.

“Kawaii~!!” I exclaimed, taking it from her. I smiled to myself.

“Ate… Since when were you really happy about wearing a dress?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“What?” I asked. “Do you know how many times I have to buy dresses for concerts and recitals?? Of course I’d get obsessed with them…”

“Fair enough.”

I put on the dress and brushed my hair.

The room that the four of us girls occupied before is now only occupied by me. Maya stays in Iori-san’s room, Kei in Fuuto-san’s, and Joan in Masaomi-san’s.

They’re all married except for me!!

But if Ru-kun proposes…

Am I going to answer him…?

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I’m Maria…

Currently in Japan…

You’re not in France anymore… You’re back and not alone… Be comfortable now… You don’t have to be so stiff…

Someone suddenly knocked at the door.

“Who is it~??” I asked.



I opened the door and saw him wearing a blue buttoned-up shirt and a light blue tie.

“May I do… your hair for… you…?” he asked, holding up a brush and some other things for styling hair.

“Um… Of course…” I said.

He made me sit on a chair, facing the window.

Ru-kun started doing my hair. He was stroking my hair so gently, so I feel so sleepy. And he was singing softly, too.

I yawned then closed my eyes for a while.

“Do you ever… get some sleep… there in France...?” he asked, worried.

“I do… But, I have to practice every morning.”

“Hmm… You should rest… some more…”

“I will…” I said, yawning again. “Sorry about that.”

He smiled. “It’s okay… You’re so cute… when you yawn…”

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