Chapter Four: Meeting The Wives

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Maria’s PoV

The guys are at work now…

All the girls are in the kitchen! ^___^

The kids are outside, playing…

“So, Maria~!” Reina-san exclaimed while cutting the vegetables.

“H-hai??” I asked.

“Don’t be so nervous!” she said, laughing. “Ukyo has told me a lot about you, just like the others…”

“Yeah!” Yui-san agreed.

I looked at her and tilted my head to the right.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Ano…” I murmured. “Yui-san… How on earth did Kaname-san make you fall in love with him??

She was like 0___0 then, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” she laughed.

Yui-san was in tears.


Aira-san was laughing, and so were the others.

“I know what you mean…” Yui-san said, smiling. “Well, I met him when I was at the shrine. I was praying when he came and began hitting on me. At first, I was really irritated and I hated him! But he was always there when I needed someone the most… And he always helps me when I have troubles… Eventually, I fell in love with that perverted monk…

I chuckled. “I was really surprised when I learned he’s married,” I said.

“Please drop the –san. We’re family after all…”

“All right…”

“Tell her about how you met your husband!” Joan said to the girls.

“Well, I bumped at Ukyo when I was doing some shopping. He bought a lot and was having a hard time carrying the bags, so I helped him….” Reina said.

“Diane and I are seiyuus, too!” Xiane exclaimed.

“Really??” I gasped. “More otakus~!! ^___^”

“Tsubaki told me that you and the twins really get along well,” Xiane added. “And you always hit his head.”

“I’m sorry about that,” I said, crossing my fingers at my back. Xiane saw that and laughed.

“I’m really glad you did,” she said. “I can’t hit my husband when I want to since he always acts cute when it comes to me… Ugh!”

“We met Azusa and Tsubaki when the four of us were in the same anime…” Diane said.

“I met Yuusuke when he was trying to save a kitten that was up in a tree,” Aira said. “He even said that he wasn’t trying to save the kitten; an old lady told him to save it.”

“Still a tsundere, huh?” I asked, chuckling.

“So tell us more about your life here!” Reina told me.

“We want to know your relationship with our husbands when you were still here,”  Aira said in a serious voice.

0___0 “My relationship with them is not romantic! I am their little sister!” I exclaimed.

Aira chuckled. “I’m just joking around!”

I sighed in relief. “Well… I always turn down Kaname-san when he flirts… xDD And I hit Tsubaki-san’s head whenever he’s being annoying. Azusa-san, Joan, and I do that when he hugs without a warning. I always tease Yuusuke-san, telling him he’s a tsundere through and through… ^__^ Have you heard him sing??!

Aira laughed. “Yes, I have!”

Ah… That time when we went to a karaoke…

“You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”

We all looked around and saw the boys have returned with the kids.

“Yes, we are…?” I murmured, chuckling.

Ugh…” Yuusuke-san groaned.

“So what were you guys talking about?” Masaomi-san asked, sitting beside Joan.

“About when Maria was here before she left,” Joan answered. “Aiden! Come here!”

“Yes, Mom~!!”

“Why don’t you tell us about your life in France, then?” Ukyo-san suggested.

“Hmm…” I murmured. “I have an apartment there… I met Nana-chan! She looks like me, too. I’m really sad that she’s unable to come here… She really wanted to meet you since I’ve told you guys to her. She’s from an orphanage, and wants a family. I became her older sister… She’s a pianist, too. Nana-chan’s my junior and she’s an otaku! Well… Almost every week, I participate in concerts and perform with a lot of orchestras. I go to recitals of lots of other students and I myself had some recitals, too. I joined contests as well.”

“You were really busy there…” Kei said.

“You bet…” I said. “Traveling through Europe… My manager is thinking of making me perform with the orchestras in Asia for a change. But I’m thinking of teaching here, too.”

I sipped some of my tea and sighed.

“I’m worried about Nana-chan…”

“Why is she unable to come here?” Maya asked me.

“She’s really sick…” I said. TT^TT Nana-chan~!! I promise that I’ll visit again when my manager tells me to come back there. And when I come back to Japan again, even if I need to bring the hospital with me (I'll tie it on the plane), I will do that!

“Well, when we all have free time, let’s go to France,” Masaomi-san said. “It’d be nice to go out of the country once in a while…”

*0*Yaa~y!! I really want you guys to meet her~!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

“Is dinner ready??”

Hika-chan came and sat down on the chair, tired.

“Not yet…” I answered as Yui put some vegetables and salt.

“Please make it faster…” he pleaded. “My editor didn’t let me eat until I finish one chapter~…”

“Why don’t you cook instead??” I asked him, glaring.

When all was ready, we sat down and exclaimed, “ITADAKIMASU~!!”

Another Me--A Stranger (Brothers Conflict Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant