24: "We Had Sex, Wasn't That Obvious?"

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But something weird happened at lunch. We were all sitting down having a normal conversation, joking around as I sit between Jesse and Jack when two people walked up to our table; both with familiar faces but not from the same place or time. I'm confused. One memory is definitely hazier than the other.

"Um, what are you doing?" I ask, looking up at them, working out where I place this guy's face from.

The one I recognise from more recently smirks and looks between me and Jesse. "Admiring my work."

Oh. I know that voice. He's the stuck up, know-it-all douche that tried to 'overthrow' us. Was his name Oliver or something? Plus, how exactly did that work out for him?

"What 'work', you disappeared after your outburst and nothing has changed," Jesse says, sounding smug.

"No," he points a finger at me and Jesse. "You guys are now friends, and close, it seems. So obviously you were affected by what I said and have become friends because we scared you when we pointed out the cracks in your friendship group." He then sits down at our table with his friends awkwardly following suit, leaving us all watching them with wide eyes.

Roxy scoffs and looks at him on the other side of Damon. "Sorry, but could you remind me who the fuck you are? I delete irrelevant memories from my brain to free up space for directions to all my nearest fast food restaurants."

The guy looks almost offended that she forgot about him before recovering and sticking his hand out for her to shake. "Oscar Williams, self-appointed spokesperson for the student body and future valedictorian."

Roxy ignores his hand and looks at his friend. "And who in the motherfuck are you?"

He looks a bit uncomfortable under her gaze as she scrutinizes him. He's got a more boy next door look with a tartan shirt and jeans, contrasting with Oscar's preppy attire. "Tom Anderson, his best friend." I rack my brain to try and place his name and face but I can't do it.

"Come on, it looks like your best friend has made set the bar for your fun facts about yourselves pretty high. You're going to have to do better than that," Jack muses, making me laugh slightly.

"Um, okay," he continues to be uncomfortable. "I was born in Canada?"

"Boring, try again," I say with amusement in my voice. I really like doing this to new people.

"U-um, I-" he stutters. "I hate my parents," he blurts out. I can sense a story there but here's not the time and I can tell he's just trying to find interesting facts about himself. I'm not going to dive into that one. Way too much personal baggage attached and I am not going to be a therapist to a stranger.

"Unoriginal. One more try or you're out," I tell him.

"Why are you interrogating him?" Oscar almost yells before Tom can answer. Oh boy, I sense jealousy in his tone. Someone loves attention and doesn't want to be outdone. Interesting character trait to be brought out in a situation concerning his best friend. There has to be a weird dynamic in their friendship.

"Calm down, Einstein. Let your boyfriend talk because you seem to do enough of it, I doubt he can get a word in during your lovers' quarrels," Jesse jokes.

"He's not my boyfriend," he clarifies and Roxy rolls her eyes.

"Shut up, pussy brains. We're not talking to you." She turns her gaze to Tom. "Make it something good or you're cancelled."

He runs a hand down his face in frustration. "I'm really not an interesting guy unless you count sleeping with more girls than Jack as interesting."

I Don't Date Stupid ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang