23: "Don't Be a Pussy."

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"Fox," Jesse says as he walks into the upstairs library I was hiding out in. "Come on, you have to come to the actual party now. Tons of people are here and they're wondering where the hostess is. And a certain boyfriend just walked in looking for his lady." He winks and I laugh at his antics.

A bit of background: the New Year's Eve party is going ahead, tonight, in fact. Seeing as it's New Year's Eve. But what I'm nervous about is Roxy being here, everyone is going to be here and I have to face all of them after not talking to any of them for weeks. Jesse and Damon said everything would be fine but I can't help my anxiety from flaring up.

"I feel sick, Dexter," I tell him, referring to the pit in my stomach that formed when I thought of having another argument with Roxy over this. I don't want that to happen.

"It's going to be fine, Fox. Just take deep breaths. Then we can go downstairs you can have a reunion with your mans, take a shot of tequila then it won't be so scary." Jesse grins widely and I smile back while laughing.

I sigh and nod my head. "I guess it's now or never." I stand up from the leather couch and smooth my dress down my glittery silver dress. I walk past him and look over the balcony, holding onto the railing. I do as Jesse said and take a deep breath before spotting Jack, looking hot, as usual, and deciding it's time to go downstairs and face the music, which is fucking loud by the way.

"Come on, don't be a pussy, KT." Jesse turns me around and pulls me into a hug. "You can do it, I believe in you."

I push him off me with a mock gasp, "thanks, asshole!"

I shake my head at him and walk down the metal staircase with my hand trailing along the rail. I make eye contact with Jack and he stares at me open-mouthed, causing a blush to erupt on my cheeks. I finally make it to the floor and thank god because I hate walking down stairs in heels, and walk quickly to Jack.

As soon as I reach him he pulls me into a hug before pulling back and giving me a lingering kiss. "Well hi, Romeo," I giggle at his still breathless expression.

"God, I missed you, Juliet," he says quickly and kisses me again. "You never cease to amaze me," he tells me, still holding me in his arms.

"What did I even do?" I laugh, holding onto his neck.

"Three things," he says. "One, how fucking insane you look in a bodycon, two, how you make a low neckline classy," he pauses and trails his gaze down my frame.

"You know no one can pull it off like me," I say as I laugh again, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Obviously," he agrees. "But three, how it's your fucking party and you still make the dramatic fashionably late entrance."

I smile at him and throw in a wink. "You know that's how it's got to be! Now come on, let's get a drink." I take his hand in mine and lead him through the crowd to the kitchen. I pour us a shot each and we drink them with interlocked arms. "Okay, now I've had my liquid courage, I need to find Roxy, everything is going to be cleared up tonight. I'll find you again after I've cleared everything up with everyone including Scarlett and probably even Blake. Then I'm yours for the night," I grin up at him.

He pulls me into a hug and laughs "You fucking better be. And good luck, Juliet. You'll be great." He kisses me on the forehead and tries to pull away but I maintain my hold on him and furrow my brow.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I haven't seen you in ages, I'm about to talk to my ex-best friend for the first time since our fight and I tell you I'm yours for the night afterwards and you give me a forehead kiss?" I say, almost offended.

He looks down, "I thought it was comforting," he shrugs.

"No, no, no. It was underwhelming. Come here, Romeo." I lock my fingers at the base of his neck and pull him down onto my lips. I kiss him deeply but without tongue, a sweet kiss. "I'm saving the rest for later."

I Don't Date Stupid ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon