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I saw that Jago suddenly pushed Merrick, furiously as if he will punch him. I was there to appease the two of them. Many students caught the attention of the scene. Did not mention that they were siblings, I mean halfbrothers. Merrick fixed his clothes from hitting the wall. 

''What is your fucking problem?'' Jago asked as Merrick mocks that infuriated him.

''I'm fine, you may be the one who has an issue,'' He smug.

''This!''  Jago threw the notes to Merrick's face that I received from my locker, a peculiarly shameless attempt to blackmail me.

''I was just joking.'' He chortled.

''Do you think I don't know what you did last night?'' Jago steps a pace and stared him in daggers. ''You tried to free that person!!''

''Why did you forget the good deeds that he did to you? He was the only one who helped us when mom was not there!'' He answered proudly.

''You don't understand,'' He explained to his brother as he did not understand. 

''I fucking understand.'' Merrick mocks. ''Why because of that girl?''

Merrick suddenly looked at me, and shifting his glance to Jago ''Isn't it because of her you're almost incarcerated. Don't you remember that?''

The three of us just looked at each other, as students watching what was happening.

''Stop Merrick.'' He gasped in a reposeful manner. 

''If it's not you,'' He accused me rudely. ''And that bullshit, Walter.'' 

Merrick looked me in daggers. I decided to just leave, and the mess they made. 

I just sat quietly in the cafeteria, was the only one sitting at the table, and there were a lot of students there. Jago and I hit each other's eyes. I chose to be alone, saw Merrick and his friends pass by from my seat. Shook my head because his basis is gibberish. Too tiring to explain, tiring to prove myself to others. Whatever they want to think about me, let them be. I just placed my headphones to my ears to flee from distractions, and from things that seem to be chains that holds me back, and take away the remaining hope and freedom I seek.

I just waited for the time to finish to get home, did not consent to be swallowed up by pessimism. Murry especially hopes that I will patch up and leave Northwoods after school this year. Murry is even handling the case of Dario's death to prove me innocent. It seemed like a good idea for him, I was a kid who couldn't make good decisions. Because maybe he's right, I only brought trouble. 

What I need will never come and no matter how much I seek I won't find it. I wasn't born for great things, nor to find my place in the sun. I could try every day, People talk as if I dream my way out, simply discover a version of me that only sees the opportunities and ignores the noise. There was hope before. Just a tiny flicker against the wind. Somebody got my attention when Mrs. Everleigh approached my seat. 

''Come with me,'' she replied sparingly. 

I was fazed by her show of unexplainedly, then stared up at the students in the cafeteria. I know some of them are watching me, I feel like I am a killer that at any time I can make a mess in their eyes. When I arrived I immediately went in and Mrs. Everleigh waiting to talk to me. She sat me down for no reason. 

''We heard about what happened in the case of the death of one of our students here, Dario Jones. You know that a big scandal happened and we do not want to ruin the reputation, and it's a big shame on our school. I know you are one of the thousands of students who are very staunch. We decide that you may need to leave and find schools to study.'' She denounces.

HER HERO: Chapter 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ