Chapter 8

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-The Next Day-Mingrui's P.O.V

I was sitting in my seat in homeroom. Y/N had told me to come early today, so I did. I look up when I hear the door open and see Y/N and the others walk in. They all sit down on the tables near me and Y/N's desk. Y/N sits on her own desk. I look at her, and I just stare. I admire every part of her. Heh, I'm only 12, I shouldn't be thinking this way.

"Hey, Mingrui? Maybe you should take a picture, it last longer." I hear XInlong say.

I blink and look at him blushing. " I wasn't staring at her, I don't need a picture. " I say in response.

"Yeah, right. " He says back to me.

I look over at Hanyu, he scoofs. I guess he doesn't exactly like the thought of anyone staring at his sister, let alone dating her. I mean I'm not dating her, but It's a possibility in the future. A future far away from here, but still a future. Yesterday they had told me all about the (insert Zeyu and Y/N ship name) ship and Hanyu said nothing about that. He seemed to have confidence in that. Maybe it's just because I'm new to the group, and he doesn't quite trust me yet.

And besides, it's slightly to early for me to start liking her. We literally met yesterday. Only knowing each other for a day isn't enough time to start liking someone... Urg, I feel like a relationship therapist. This is to much for me.

"So whats the plan for today?" I look at Hanyu in question.

"Well we were planing on going to the park after school, stay for a while, then go to Zihao's house, raid his fridge. " Hanyu says.

"Mine? I thought we said we would do Zeyu's this time?!" Zihao says, defending his food.

I laugh, they have a really good friendship. Are Zihao and Hanyu best friends? It feels like it at this moment. They seem to steal food from each other a lot. well it was what I would expect from a group of friend. Especially if most of them are guys. If you invite a group of boys to your house, you better have a lunch buffet in your kitchen. Zeyu is laughing too he doesn't seem in any way mad that the others are basically fighting about steeling his food.

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