Rainy days

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It was a dark cloudy school day. I was sitting in class taking notes. Notes about literature. But this was the last class of the day, so I gave into it. The whole class, i felt like someone was burning holes into the back of my head. Someone was staring at me, I turned around for a second and could see (C/n) looking at me. He paused and quickly looked towards the board. I smiled and turned back around to look at the board as well.

A big clash of thunder shook the whole room, i looked around and could see a smile form on (C/n)'s face. I looked at the clock and could see it was 3:45. 5 more minutes until class ends. Thank god, Finally. I started to slowly pack my things up, Mr. Jones finished up notes and dismissed us. It was finally Friday. Another big clash of thunder shook the room, you could feel the floor vibrate. I sling my back on my shoulder and head out of the classroom. I quickly raced to my locker to grab my jacket so I wouldn't get hella soaked while I walk home, if it was raining, which was very likely. I know my parents aren't home at this time, they were at work still, so i have to walk home. I grabbed my jacket and dropped my backpack onto the floor to put my jacket on. I zipped it up and slung my backpack back over my shoulder and headed out. I looked out the door and could see kids waiting around the front. It was pouring rain outside. I sighed and went on my phone to call my mom to see if she would pick up so i can ask if she gets off work early. After a few rings, no answer. It was probably the best to leave her alone.I flipped my hood up and made my way to the doors.(C/n) glances at me and then looks at me surprised. I proceeded my way through and made it out. I honestly never really cared about rain, we get rain a lot here and I'm just used to walking in it. I know i could possibly get sick because I'm getting soaked and cold, but I might as well take chances. I heard the school doors quickly swinging open and closing.

"(Y/n)!" Someone calls out. I turn around to see (C/n).


"You really shouldn't walk in the rain."

"Why? I do it all the time."

"Well you could get sick!" He jokes and rubs the back of his neck and looks down.

"Well then that means no school for me!" I joke back and smile. (C/n) goes quiet for a moment and then looks at me again.

"Um..I could give you a ride home?" He says nervously.

I pause for a moment, my jaw drops. Did (C/f/l/n) really offer to give me a ride home? "Uhh..you really don't have to! I'm fine walking!"

"No! I want to...please, let me give you a ride home." He says shyly.

"Okay then...thank you." I say as he then nods and starts to walk to his car, I follow.

He opens the car door for me and closes it once i got in. I buckled up and waited for him to get to his side and get in. He closes his door and buckles up.

"So just send me your address..." he says shyly.

"I don't have your number?"

"Oh its.." he gives me his number. I text my address and wait for him to get it. His phone dings and he opens it up and begins to drive. With google maps of course. We awkwardly sit there in the car for a good few minutes until he finally speaks.

"So, how was your day?" He asks.

"It was okay, you?"

"Mine was good. Anyways, why did you decide to try to walk home?"

"Well..I always walk home. My parents don't get home until 5, or 6."

"Oh, well if you want, i could always give you a ride home. We actually live pretty close, but your just in the neighborhood across from mine." He smiles.

"Thanks (C/n), and thats cool." I say and feel my cheeks get warm as I see his face turn a little red. Is he blushing?

The rain was starting to get lighter, which meant it was starting to clear up, thank the lords.
He starts to pull up to my house. My heart sinks a little, i wish the car ride was longer. He pulls into my drive way and parks. I open the door and get out. He does the same.

"Why are you getting out?Its still kinda sprinkling" I giggle.

"So? I just wanna walk you to your door!" He laughs. I smile again.

He walks me up to me door and smiles again at me and rubs the back of is neck.

"So... are you doing anything later?" He asks.

"Um no? Why?" I ask surprised.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout.." he says shyly.

I pause for a moment, i was thrown off. "Um, sure! What time?"

"At 7? At the movies?" He smiles and chuckles.

"Are you asking me on a date (C/n)?" I giggle.

"Well, if you want it to be!" He chuckles.

"I do want it to be..." I say shyly and smile.

"I will pick you up at 7...(Y/n)."

"Then I will see you at 7 (C/n)." I say as he motions for a hug.

I hug him as he then hugs back. He smiles and walks off to his car with a huge grin on his face. He mouths the words "see you later" and drives off. I unlock my door and get inside. I kicked off my shoes and ran into my room full of excitement.

"Dang...I'm going out with the one and only (C/f/l/n)!" I squealed.

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