End of the world prank

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This is the first chapter, and one of my favorites actually. Enjoy!

(This was inspired by Jason Nash's end of the world prank vlog😉)


I just got home after a long day of work. I was tired and sore, a customer complained and changed my whole mood after a few words were spoken. I kicked off my shoes and immediately went into my room. I wanted to just sob. Works been complete shit lately.

I just took off all of my makeup when I got a call from him...my crush, (C/N). I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach and my whole mood changed. It went from annoyed and pissed to happy and ecstatic. I quickly answered.

Phone call:
C/n: "Hey,(y/n)!"

Y/n: "Hi,(c/n)."

C/n: "I was wondering if you were busy right now."

Y/n: "I mean not really, i just got home from work. Why this late?" I ask.

C/n: No reason! Just, can you hangout? At my place? I'm with (c/f) and (c/f/gf)."

Y/n: "oh, okay. Let me just...uhh. Get ready then I will head over there."

C/n: "alright, see you soon!" He says excitingly.

He hangs up. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. "I just took off all of my makeup...might as well just look like a potato." I say and wash my face. I do my skincare and curl my lashes, just so i have a little bit of an umph. I change into my leggings and a hoodie.

 I change into my leggings and a hoodie

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I slip on my shoes and grab my bag. I head out of the door and lock it. I don't want another person sneaking into my apartment, that was a disaster. I got into my car and started it up, I plugged my phone into the AUX and played my new playlist, it has all my current favorite songs. I began my drive, wondering why (C/n) would want to hangout. He wouldn't like me of course! My crushes have never liked me back, well that was in elementary...i never really had a major crush until freshman year. And that was (C/n). He and I had been friends for a very long time, since pre-school. I never really caught feelings for him in elementary and middle school. Or maybe I did and never realized it...oh well. I was pulling up to his house. You could see his car and (c/f)'s car.I parked my car and unplugged my phone from the aux cord. I locked my car and flipped my hoodie on and walked to his front door. Each step, my heart would begin to beat faster and faster.

"Stop being nervous (y/n)! You got this! You've been over plenty of times!" I whisper to myself. I rang his doorbell. A shuffle of footsteps followed. (C/f) swings open the door and motions for me to come in. I stepped in and the scent of cookies and brownies went through my nose. I smiled, but hid it. I followed his friend to their living room. They were watching a movie. (C/f)'s girlfriend was sitting on the couch munching on a cookie. I looked around for (C/n), he wasn't in the living room. I felt someone tase my sides, causing me to immediately backhand whoever was behind me. A familiar voice groaned. I put my hands on my mouth realizing it was (C/n). I turned around to see him cupping his cheek in pain. I immediately put my hand on on his face.

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