Chapter 6: The Ball

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I finally reached the bottom and Nickolai shakily offered me his hand. I took his and looked up to him. I didn't really realize until now how small I was to him. He was about 6'4, and my head went up to about his chest and I guess my hand was small compared to his.

As soon as our skin came in contact, his look of shock became a look of love. He gave me a peck on the check and he led me out to the dance floor.

As soon as out feet were in the correct position, the lights dimmed and beautiful music filled the room. I was a sucker for a violin and cello, and let my enjoyment show on my face as I fell into step with him. I swear I would have re-killed myself if I went through all those dancing lessons for nothing.

"dragul meu, nimeni din această sală ar putea fi vreodată la fel de frumos ca tine chiar acum. Jur takingly frumos, esti superb." He whispered in my ear. And my face became as red as my dress and matched perfectly with my hair. "My darling, no one in this room could ever be as beautiful as you right now. I swear, you are breathtakingly beautiful."

I looked upward and whispered back: "I thought we agreed you'd speak English." And he groaned quietly.

"I'm sorry, you just make me forget everything when you walk into the room. Usually I can regain my composure after a while but tonight every second I get to remind myself that your mine." I pressed my head into his chest, as if trying to hide myself from everyone, which I guess was a bad idea because in his mind I could overhear him saying he'd feel like his heart was going to explode any minute and that it was a slow, sweet torture.

The dance started to fade, and he slightly moved me into a position to where I was thrown out, spun back in, and dipped. He then kissed me and brought me back up. I pulled away slightly and he gave me a soft "thank you. I would have never been able to stop."

I was then led out to mingle. First it was to a few random people, and when I was getting comfortable enough, he led me away to a corner.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused. He looked at everyone and nodded. "Usually I can let people come around you, like the vampire counsel, but tonight......tonight it's bugging me." I nodded.

"Why don't you grab something to drink, that might calm you down a bit." I suggested. He thought it over and didn't leave, he came in close to me.

"Stay here." His rough voice whispered in my ear, and I felt a jab at my heart. I reached for his hand. "I'll be fine." I reassured him, and myself. His hand on my arm slid slowly down and he slowly started walking away.

I know what you're thinking, "I thought yesterday before the meeting you were mad at him?" Well I was, until "Candi" scared the crap out of me. She seemed to leave me alone when I was with Nickolai, so I held on to him, except I made him sleep on the floor. Married or not, I don't feel comfortable with

Him sleeping right next to me.

I was deep in thought when a man approached me. He had black hair and a small stubble with crystal blue eyes. He smiled and stood next to me, sipping his drink and making one of those 'tck' sounds.

Holding his hand out to me we exchanged pleasantries. "Cosmin, it's a pleasure." I nodded and shook the hand.

"Um, the pleasure is all mine...?" He laughed. "Is that a question?" I smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "I'm not sure.....' My eyes went wide. "I'm scarlet." Returning his statement before.

"I know." He nodded. "It's your party." I laughed weirdly again and looked down. "Right." I mumbled in thought.

"You look very beautiful in that dress, I know my sister is wildly overcome with jealousy." I cocked my head a bit to the side.

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