When he re-reads the message did he thought whether it was right to just send that without getting any explanation from the (h/c) girl. Is it right to just jump into conclusions without even asking you? He could have just ask you and let you explain, but he's afraid. He's afraid of the truth. He's afraid that you will actually leave him. Even so, he would never know the truth if he didn't ask you, right?

What if it's not what he thinks it is? What if it is all just a misunderstanding?

As he thought of you, his brows knitted into a frown as guilt filled within him. You are probably confused right now, and will probably think of the things you've done that led to this.

He doesn't want you to over-think things, and he should have just ask instead of sending those confusing messages to you. Now, you are probably running around trying to find him even though he told you not to.

He knows that you are stubborn and will mostly go and find him. He knows that a single sentence will not prevent you from doing so.

"Tch." he clicked his tongue, as a frown of worry etched on his face. All that is present in his mind is to find the girl, and listen to what she will say.

〚Orie Mitnik〛

'Did she really deserve that?', was the only phrase that kept repeating in his head. He just couldn't stop thinking about it.


Orie was about to exit the school gate when you finally caught up to him. "Orie! Wait a minute!" you called out towards the captain who stops when he heard your voice, but he doesn't turn around to look at you.

As you're getting nearer towards him, your eyes narrow into a frown, confused at his current behaviour. He does not always acts that way, in fact, he never acts that way. It made you worry about him.

"H-hey. Orie, what's wrong?" you softly asked as you reach out your hand towards him. Though before you could even touch him, a cold voice that made your heart stop prevent you to do so.

"Don't you dare touch me." he said coldly. His voice was deep and it sounds so emotionless that you can't believe that he's Orie---the cheerful and smiling Orie that you know.

He then turned around to face you, and all you could see were the cold eyes that stare straight at you. He looks so different from the happy-go-lucky Orie. You don't know what happened to him, you have no clue on why he acts so cold towards you.

Snapping out of your shock state, you finally found your voice and asked him what happened.

"Did I do something wrong?" you asked in worry and confusion. You move a step forward but he would just take a step back, he doesn't want to get near you at all, and that upsets you.

It hurt you. 'Why?'

Suddenly, he smiled, but it wasn't a genuine smile. His smile looks bitter as he replied, "I didn't know that you're that kind of girl, (y/n). You know what, you can just go and play around with other guys. I wouldn't mind. Besides, you are a sl--"

The impact of your hand was hard enough to make him stop what he was about to say. His eyes are wide in shock, while your eyes are brimming with unshed tears.

Your visions are blurry, and a sob escaped your mouth. You can't believe what he was about to say to you. Is this really the Orie that you fell for?

"I don't know what I did wrong, but you don't have the right to say that to me. You should have explain before jumping into your own damn conclusions!" you said in frustration, really upset at the male in front of you.

At that moment, you really don't feel like you want to face him, and with that, you turned around and walk away from him before he could react.


Orie's grip on the basketball in his hands tighten before he slammed the ball down with such force that it made a loud sound in the empty court at a park nearby the school.

"Damn it! I have, no, I need to fix this." he muttered under his breath before picking up his bag that was lying on the ground, and running out of the court to find his heartbroken princess that was caused by him.

[A/N]: Phew~Finally! It feels like forever since I've last upadated. Anyways, it's late and tomorrow there will be a test, but here I am updating. (─‿─) Well, this is all for you guys because I feel bad for leaving you guys hanging.

All that aside, I'm so sorry for the angst! Most of all, Orie's part! My heart was breaking when I wrote that. Seriously. Orie is so mean in this story. What have I done? (╥_╥)

A question from author:

Do you have any questions you want to ask them? (⌒▽⌒)

If you do have any, I will do a Q&A chapter for your questions.♡

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