"What, you expecting this old bloke to whip his dick out when you ask him to pass you the gravy? Don't think so, mate, but wishful thinking," I teased, poking Liam's side as he yelped.

"Ugh," Liam groaned, kicking a stone ahead of him as he struggled to keep up with my pace, my legs longer than his, "I need a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you definitely do," I nodded in agreement, and Liam scoffed.

"Coming from you," he huffed, and I raised my eyebrow.

"There's a difference. I don't need a girlfriend," I argued, and I wasn't entirely lying. I didn't need a girlfriend, but I certainly needed her.

"I think you'll find you definitely need An-"

"Piss off," I snapped, cutting him off from finishing his sentence, as I headed up this 'Benjamin's driveway; in this moment slightly grateful Mum had suggested dinner at his place - even she wasn't stupid enough to push me to go back to the old house where she was somehow sleeping. I raised my hand to knock on the wooden door, my ring-clad fingers making a loud clink against the surface, as I exhaled deeply, glancing over my shoulder to see Liam intensely eyeing a bird in the tree beside him, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Nah, mate, that bird is proper giving me the evils," he glared at the tree, and I frowned.

"What do you even mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows, stepping back from the doorstep to where Liam was standing.

"Look," he pointed towards a large pigeon perched on a branch a few feet away from us, sure enough giving Liam a death stare, which Liam didn't break in return, "that fucker is ready to annihilate me."

"Oh, bollocks, will you just-"

"FUCK!" Liam let out a loud squeal as he tackled me to the ground, my back hitting the gravel and Liam on top of me as the bird flew over us rapidly, flapping its wings harshly.

I shoved Liam as an ache shot through my back at the contact with the gravel surface, "Are you fucking mad, mate?! Get off me you sack of shi-"

The front door swung open, and a tiny voice suddenly sounded, "Um - Daddy said we don't want to buy any Christian magazines, and.. um.."

I sat up quickly, pushing Liam off me entirely and standing up, straightening my shirt and smoothing down my hair. God only knows what that looked like.

"No, we're not-" I stopped myself, blinking confusedly. I was certain this was the right address - certain. What I wasn't certain of, was why I was standing face to face with a young girl who looked no older than five; eyes a bright blue and hair a light blonde as she nervously chewed on her nail, looking just as confused as I did.

"Harry?" Mum's voice sounded from inside of the house, and I clenched my jaw as Liam stood up to meet my side, "Darling, is that you?" she appeared at the door, a nervous smile on her own face, "Oh, you made it - Livi, what did Daddy tell you about answering the door?" she turned to the small child, and I closed my eyes for a moment in attempts to soothe my own rage.

"Don't do it," the little girl responded, as Mum said something else I couldn't make out, and Livi went scurrying off.

"Harry," Mum bit her lip, snapping me from my thoughts, "I didn't mean for-"

"Whose fucking child is that?" I demanded, and Liam placed his hand awkwardly on my shoulder to tell me to dial it back.


"Whose fucking child is that?" I repeated slowly, my eyes meeting hers as she sighed.

"Benjamin's, but-"

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