Chapter 26

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(A/n: DISCLAIMER: there will be smut in this chapter. if you don't like it, skip over it.) (📝EDITED📝)

(Eren's pov)

Levi and I arrive at his house after talking about moving in. I want to take up the offer, but I don't know how my dad will react...well, you know what? Fuck what he thinks! He also made my life a living hell, I shouldn't let him get to me. I'm moving in with Levi and that's final.

"Hey, kiddo," Kenny says to me with a smile while ruffing up my hair after nodding his head to Levi, acknowledging that he's here.

"Hey, Kenny," I reply with a tired smile. On the inside, I'm smiling like crazy. I finally feel like I belong. I finally felt like this is true family.

"Hey, Kenny?" Levi asks.

"Yes?" Kenny responds.

"Do you think it'll be okay if Eren moves in with us? He's having a hard time at home."

"Of course, you're always welcome here, Eren. I know Levi and I both think of you as family."

I blush slightly. "Thank you. It means a lot," I say, giving him a bow.

"Hey, hey. Straighten up, Kid. There's no need to be so formal. Like I said, we're family."

"You're right, thank you."

"I'll go with you so you can get all your stuff," Levi says, intertwining our fingers together and walking out of the door.

It takes a little while to get to my house because we have to cross the bridge. We are walking on it and I stop, looking at where I almost jumped off not even 15 minutes ago. My eyes start to tear up. "Eren? What's wrong, Love?" Levi asks me, gripping my hand tighter.

I turned away, looking at Levi. "N-nothing, I'm okay," I lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I lied again.


We start to walk again. These next few weeks might be a little boring because Levi's not letting me go to school. Hell, he's barely letting me out of his house without him going with me. I also can't even have knives or razors with me unless he's around. He's so overprotective that it's cute.

We reach my house and we walk in the house, my dad and his girlfriend now watching TV on the couch. We walk into my room and realize how messy it is. "Shit," I mutter.

"What?" Levi asks, putting his arms around my waist from behind, nuzzling his head onto my back.

"'s just a huge mess."

"Tch, you're just figuring that out now?"

"Well, yeah. What did you expect? I was about to kill myself. Did you really think the thought in my head was that my room should be fucking spotless?" I say sarcastically.

"I mean...yeah. I would."

"Well, I'm not you, Levi," I accidentally say sternly. Levi looks taken aback from my comment, and my change of attitude. I mumble an apology, zipping up my bag and grabbing Levi by the arm before pulling him out of my room.

I yell at my dad that I'm going to move in with Levi, and he says nothing. Again. He never listens to me. I push these thoughts to the back of my head, quickly walking back to Levi's...No, our house.

~Time skip brought to you by Eren's angry depression~ (A/n: soooo this is where the smut starts and yeah, just skip over it if you don't want to read this stuff.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now