What this story contains

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What's up you sacks of beautiful people!

It is 3 am, I just had 6 cups of coffee and I don't think I can feel my feet so seems like just the right time to write a zombie apocalypse story about everyone's favorite dumbasses; Smosh.

This story contains strong language, depictions of blood and gore and character death so if you're sensitive to that, here's your warning.

If you're still with me I congratulate you because you're about to read a story about friendship, zombies and maybe something a little more than friendship. Buckle your seat belts, put down those chicken nuggets and smell all the colors in the sky as this will be one of the most average stories, written by one of the most average writers, you have ever read. So sit down, shut up and enjoy my Smosh-zombie-apocalypse-writing-extravaganza

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