19: It's Not Help It's Just Useful Information

Start from the beginning

On the bright side, I wasn't crying and didn't feel that sad either. Not to say I wasn't still unhappy but atleast now I could ignore my feelings of hurt like I usually did.

"Hey, Jang Hae soo. Wait."

Hae soo heard a deep voice call her name. She was at her front door, ready to go inside her house when the voice snapped her out of her own thoughts.

She wasn't expecting any visitors and she only had one male friend and that definitely was not his voice. Out of pure survival instincts, she swung her bag at the person behind her.

"Ouch," he yelled.

"Taehyung?" She tilted her head in confusion, staring at the attacker turned victim.

"Yes, It's me. Taehyung. What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?"

"Sorry. I didn't know it was you. I thought you were going to attack me." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes. Because a person will yell out the victims name before attacking," he said sarcastically.

"What do you want?" Hae Soo asked feeling disinterested.

"Crazy girl," Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

"Suggest that I'm crazy one more time and I won't feel bad about hitting you with my bag, again," she threatened him.
"Now, back to my question. What do you want?"

"I know you said that you wouldn't help with the Junkook-Senthu thing but-"

"And I won't," she interrupted

"Let me finish."
She nodded for him to continue.

"-But I noticed that Senthu looked much happier today and I guessed you helped with that. I wanted to thank you for being a good friend to her when I failed."

Hae Soo's cold attitude softened at Taehyung's words of gratitude.

"O-oh. No problem. She's my friend and I care about her."

"Okay. I guess I'll see you around. Bye," Taehyung said sadly and a bit disappointed. Hae Soo felt bad for not offering any help. She knew that Taehyung just wanted to sort out his friends' differences.

Taehyung turned around and did a mental countdown knowing that his sad expression would not go unnoticed.
"3. 2. 1."

"Taehyung, wait."

Taehyung cheered internally and had a smile plastered on his face until he turned around and his sad pout back on.


"You shouldn't have surprised Senthu like that at Star Willows."

"I know that already."
Taehyung huffed internally. Maybe his charming face couldn't help him this time.

"All I'm saying is if you want a girl's forgiveness, the apology needs to be private and sincere. Not initiated by a third person such as yourself. This Kook fellow needs to pull up his socks and apologise wholeheartedly to Senthu without anyone else forcing him to. He should go to her house and explain why he was such a dick in the first place. I know Senthu, she just wants an honest apology. Nothing fancy."

"I thought you didn't want to help," Taehyung said allowing a small smirk to grace his face.

"I don't. I'm not helping you. I'm just... giving you useful information so that when meddle again, as I assume you will, you do it right. I'm also kind of hoping to get my happy, sarcastic friend back. I'm getting tired of the mopey one."

"As am I. Jungkook is terribly annoying when he's sad. He switches between being like The Hulk and looking like a lost child."

"That does sound annoying. I guess I got the better end of the deal. Senthu just cries or stays silent. Sometimes it looks like she has millions of thoughts racing around in her head at a hundred miles per second. Which is annoying when I'm trying to speak to her but at least she doesn't go hulk mode."

"True. But I can't handle girls crying. I start panicking so maybe I'm better off with Jungkookie."

"Maybe," she smiled.

"Hey, Hae Soo. Do you by any chance know where Senthu lives?"

"No. Sorry." Hae soo was silent for a minute when a thought occurred to her.

"Speaking of addresses, how did you know I lived here?"

Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Did you follow me?" She asked, her eyeballs almost popping out of their sockets.

"No! Jimin drove me here. Which reminds me, he's waiting for me in his car. I should probably go."

Hae Soo started to blush at the mention of Jimin. Taehyung noticed the reddening of her cheeks and looked at her strangely.

"That's weird," he thought to himself.

"Tell him I... uhm... said hi," She said softly.

"Ookaayy," Taehyung replied a little confused at the girl's change in tone.

Hae Soo shook her head warding away her cute daydreams and returned to her regular persona.

"Bye Taehyung. You and that Kook better not hurt my friend or I'll hunt you both down."

"Sure thing. Bye Hae Soo," The boy responded, a little terrified.

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