I think I need to be drunk to comprehend everything that's happening all at once.

Once we're in the loud thumps of the music pulses through my heart, though cries from a girl catch me off guard. She's on the floor crying as I now notice two guys up in each other's faces. Then to my right I see another girl straddling a blonde's lap. Further ahead there's a crowd dancing to the music and up ahead to the right there's a group of guys huddled together on the floor, as I barely notice the white substance from afar. To the left is where all the fun is happening, beer pong. And just outside in the backyard through the glass door, there's a humongous swimming pool with a good decent amount of people in there.

This is Billy's best? Well it's nothing I haven't seen before.

"Where are the drinks?" I shout at Billy through the booming music. He motions for me to follow him as we pass many bodies.

Out of nowhere I'm slightly pushed back by something...someone. Looking up, I find myself staring at the most beautiful green eyes known to man. It's a guy with dirty blonde hair, with a build so tall, taller than Billy. I would've stopped looking at this mans face by now if he wasn't so good looking.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," he says worriedly, his eyes never leaving mine either.

"It's fine, really," I chuckle, maybe being a little too nice to him.

"I can be such a dumbass at times, I truly am sorry. But I'm Alex," he says, showing me the million dollar smile I knew he'd have.

Smiling back at him I start, "I'm–"

"Diana! The drinks are over here," the devil interrupts me because he knows what he's doing. I see Alex turn to face him but Billy's eyes are already piercing through Alex.

Rolling my eyes at jealousy, I speak, "I'll see you around."

Alex nods his head before letting me pass, my wish as of this moment is for Billy to not be so–well him. Nearing his body to the counter I see six glass shots of what looks to be vodka ready. "That guy Alex–no good for you," Billy says setting the bottle of vodka down.

I chuckle, "As if you're any good for me."

"Please, I'm a fucking angel compared to these guys," he scoffs gripping the glasses and swallowing three before settling them down.

"Not tonight my love, I know what these people need and I need to start now. I'm not yours tonight," I mumble the last part before taking a full swing of vodka, along with the remaining shots left. I feel Billy's stare on me as I kiss him quickly and hotly on the lips before I disappear into the crowd.

I find myself laughing as my back is pressed against the cold wooden table, my shirt thrown to the floor as a pair of lips suck on my torso to get it all; body shots. There's a crowd surrounded, all of them having as much fun as the guy is having licking me. Once he's done we switch positions, making it my turn as everyone near us shouts my name over and over again.

As if I just earned my fucking throne all over again.

But not just yet. There's so much more to be done.

Fixing my shorts and putting my shirt back on, the guy next to me named Bryan fixes the body shot for me. Bryan has that perfect summer body that his girlfriend next to him is definitely lucky to have.

Michael is the guy I'm taking a shot off of. He's freakishly tall, and if I were a guy I wouldn't ever want to cross him. As Bryan steps away signaling that it's ready, I step forward and dip down so my hot breath can mix with his body. People cheer for me as I finish up, patting my back in salute. "How come I have never seen you here before? You're fucking wild!" I hear one guy say as I take a swing from my beer that's on the side.

Soon there's a dark skinned arm slung around my shoulders laughing happily. My eyes meet Zack's before I turn away, my attention back to the crowd to see who's next.

It's cute to see him try with me.

"I'll go." Oh no.

His figure moves up towards the front of the crowd, his fingers already unbuttoning his shirt. They all cheer for Billy, as if greeting him back to California. I notice his ocean blue eyes never leaving mine, knowing damn well he's tempting me to unbutton his shirt myself.

"Alright, who else?" Bryan shouts as Billy lays his back on the table, my mind heavy and tense.

"I'll go." I say faster than I can process.

But someone had said it too.

There a tanned blonde girl stands with the brightest pink swimsuit on, already agitating me just by her appearance. She looks to me but raises her eyebrow when she sees that I already have my bitch face targeted towards her.

"But you already went Diana," a guy with crazy long hair straight across from me says.

He should've just stood there and kept his mouth shut.

"Yes, thank you Dennis," I say through gritted teeth, the only thing in the way of me slapping him is the table.

"My name's Dylan," he says back but laughs in the end. If jealousy wasn't running through my system I would've gone to smoke the joint he's holding in his hand with him.

Soon the blonde girl dips down to do all the things I wanted to do to Billy. The crowd hollers but their cheers are just a distant blur as all my attention is towards Billy and his fucking smirk and his fucking body.

That should be mine but I guess I should've seen no commitment coming.

His head turns and his eyes meet my own but I turn away with my jaw locked. My hand lifts the beer in hands and I feel the warmth of the alcohol on my tongue as I finish the remaining of it. It's soon finished as well as my temper and patience as I set the beer bottle down on the table hard with a thud and shrug off Zack's arm just so I could be greeted by the dance floor, way past the body shot table.

"Diana right?" A deep voice next to me suddenly asks.

"That would be me," I smile the best I can, still a little too heated with what just happened.

"Wanna dance?" He asks, his green eyes looking like they're glowing as I'm getting too caught up in his trance.

"Sure Alex why fucking not," I say looking back at the body shot crowd behind me. "Hold on," I add.

My fingertips lift my shirt back up my head and off me, exposing the bikini top Billy had chosen for me. Rolling up my shirt in a ball I aim it towards the body shot table, above the crowd, and throw it in.

And I don't look back to see if he had gotten it as my body turns back around and Alex's hand finds his way with mine before walking to the dance floor.





I'm back guys :)) and I wanna apologize for being away but you guys are probably tired of that shit

A lil cliffhanger lol

Hey guys a heads up, you guys should really check the messages I post at times on my profile so you guys can know why I'm not posting

But Diana letting go of her place that easily against that girl?? Honey no, no, no and you'll see why in a min

Vote. Comment. Share. xo

I missed you guys :'))

7-14-18 2:02 am

Word count: 1856

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