I Need An Explanation

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I'm scrolling through IG and on my timeline I see BEANZ getting triggered about vidcon. I go on one of my followers lives to hear Edwin got choked by a security guard! Like why did you put your hands on him! I need details,footage like people don't get choked for no reason. Because they were surrounded by BEANZ and wanted to get them out of the crowd. Man handling is not the way to do it, you could have used your words, we were all given a voice. Some people were saying security mistakenly took Edwin as a fan.Still that's not an excuse to put your hands on anyone. I wish someone would try some bull like that on me. You'll see me in court, I know that much. I don't know if they even performed because they were forced to leave. Y'all are wilding 2018. Please do not come to the East coast because some hands will get thrown real quick. *Deep Sigh* 😤😤😤😤😑.

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