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TAGS: Crackfic, Latino!Male!Reader,

«Lol this just smth I came up with bc of the game between Mexico n S. Korea lol stAN MEXICO N MY KING #22 "CHUCKY"😫😩»

{Game Day Be Liek}

The room was tense as the soccer game on the television was all everyone was focused on. Seven males were spread out on two of the couches, each of them proudly wearing something related to their home country or South Korea. A single male was sitting on the other couch all alone with only the bags of chips, candy, and food spread around him on the couch while he proudly flaunted his green, red, and white jersey that represented the home country he admired, Mexico.

"VÁMONOS MÉXICO VÁMONOS! PONSE LAS PILAS!" The h/c haired male yelled out as he flailed his arms.«TRANS: Come on Mexico come on! Put on you're batteries*!»

"LET'S GET IT KOREA COME ON!!" Namjoon yelled.

Y/n looked over at Namjoon and glared, the seven males glaring back. The Korean males groaned in distress as Y/n cheered. The ref has called for a penalty shot, giving Mexico the chance to win a point if the ball gets shot in.

"VAMOS VELA VAMOS! VAMOS VELA!!" Y/n practically growled as he sat tense, eyes glued to the television.

"BLOCK IT! DAMNIT YOU BETTER BLOCK IT!!" Seokjin yelled as the other Korean males nodded in agreement.

Vela got into position before taking the shot.

"GOAL!!!" Y/n jumped off the couch and bounced around in happiness."FUCK YEAH!! THATS RIGHT VELA THATS RIGHT!!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jeongguk whined.

"You're just being a salty little bitch." Y/n retorted.

Jeongguk stood up and lunged at the taller male with a growl. Hoseok, Seokjin, and Jimin all stopped the maknae and held him back.

"You wANNA GO LITTLE BOY??!!! I'LL TAKE YOU ON!! ONE V ONE ME BOI!!" Y/n taunted as he lunged before Yoongi, Namjoon, and Taehyung held the other man back.

"Y'all bitches need to chill." Yoongi growled as the males went back to their previous positions.

The males continued to watch the game, each of them leaving comments here and there as the game progressed.


"Your team is just too weak cause they can't handle our team wanting to win." Yoongi smirked.

Y/n breathed in sharply and snapped his head to Yoongi direction like some possessed bitch from The Conjuring or something."The fUCK DID YOU JUST SAY??!!"

"I said the truth." Yoongi smirked.

"Actually hyung, I think Y/n has a point." Jimin said.

"Yeah, our players are being a bit too rough and careless with how they're doing things." Hoseok added.

Yoongi looked at them like they had just said something scandalous. Yoongi looked back at Y/n who was smirking.

"Extra good good for Hoseok and Jimin tonight," Y/n started with a wink."Yoongi gets nothing for a week."

"What?! No I need the succ on the daily!"

"Shut up the game is going!"

The males continued to watch the game, before Y/n yelled out in disbelief. 

"NO! YALL CANT GO AND DO MY BOY BABY FACE DIRTY LIKE THAT!" Y/n said as the screen showed a replay of one of the Korean players swiping the Mexican player known as "Chucky" to the floor.«I call him baby face bc he has a baby face don't judge»

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