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This is something that is very important that I wanted to discuss and talk about because this could affect me in a really negative way.

I live in Southern California. My dad's family is from Puebla, and as some of you may know there was a really bad earthquake that hit around Puebla, Mexico City, and a few other places. My dad has an app for earthquakes, and he told me, my mom, and my sisters that he got a notification, I don't exactly know if it's from his app or smth but he got a notification. It was a notification that an earthquake may or may not happen around Baja, California or someplace near there, and that it would happen around the 23rd of this week.

I hope you know where I'm going with this.

If it really does happen and it's a small one that doesn't affect where I live or me at all I will take this down (I'll leave it up until next week maybe). If it does happen and it's a big one that affects me and where I live I just want y'all to know that it would take me some time to update because idk if we'd still have electricity or service.

So if I'm inactive for an unusually long amount of time, hopefully it's bc I have no service or electricity and not bc I died (hopefully I don't or hopefully the earthquake doesn't happen).

My dad has been very into earthquakes now and legit scares the shit out of me every time he decided to tell me facts about the tectonic plates n shit. My parents just went to Costco to go buy a shit ton of water, more food, and batteries (courtesy of my dad telling my mom that they should go bc "what if").

Anyway, I hope that nothing will happen and if it does I hope it's a small one that won't do any damage. I'll try and keep y'all posted if my dad decides to tell me anything else about it.

If you live in Southern California and live nearby Baja, California or by where I live Orange, California please be safe and aware if it does happen but I can't guarantee that it will or won't happen so don't take my word too seriously. Like I said, I'll keep y'all posted if my dad tells me more about the situation.


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