the Spider Man lover bethybomb95

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1.                  Tells us why you came to Wattpad?

Well I was on my iPod and our house had just gotten wireless internet and so I decided to download loads off apps and Wattpad was one of them, I loved reading all the stories and so decided to start uploading my own as well.

2.                  Why did you decide to do this interview?

Well... it's all about pop-u-lar!! (Sorry, wicked moment there) haha :P The real reason is that I wanted my fans and future possible fans to get to know the person who actually writes the books so they can relate to them.

3.                  What is your inspiration?

Wow, I have so many! There are three people who are my main inspiration and they are my mum as she is brilliant and always supports me, my twin sister Megan (who is also on Wattpad) who gets me in a way that nobody else can really, and my best friend Jasmine (who is also on Wattpad) is just amazing! We’re always swapping books and stuff and she kept me sane(ish) through high school! :D

4.                  What is your story about?

I have several stories on the go at the moment but the two that i am most concentrating on is 'The Book of Aletsria' which is about a girl who is taken into a fantasy book and 'Don't marry her, have me' which is about a girl who is in love with her best friend but is too shy to tell him. With lots of twists and turns in the way in both of the stories :)

5.                  Did you always have a natural talent for writing or did you work hard in English class?

I was always writing short stories and poems as a kid and as I grew older and studied harder my writing style developed, so i guess it was a bit of both really :)

6.                  Do you want to be a published author?

Hell to the yeah! Haha that has always been my dream since I was a little girl!  :)

7.                  What kind of genre do you like to read and write?

I read anything that's given to me really, but my favorite is probably dark romance. I also write fantasy and romantic comedy.

8.                  Do you show any of your stories to your friends or family?

Haha, the only member of my family I show my work to is my twin sister Megan; I'd find it quite embarrassing to it to the others. I show them to my closest friends though J

9.                  Do you have rituals when writing a chapter?

Not really, I usually plan out what I want to happen in all of my stories but I don't have any routine in how I write them, however I do find that a good cup of tea always gets my brain working.

10.              Do you have any up-coming stories?

I've just started another one called 'You're the one that I want' about a girl who has to help her worst enemy find his murderer and I'm still not sure whether it's going to work out but fingers crossed! J


1.                  Favorite animal?

That would have to be a wolf; I find them so fascinating and beautiful

2.                  What is the best actor or actress ever?

That's a tough one! But I would have to say that the best actor is Matthew Gray Gubler and the best actress is Ginnifer Goodwin.

3.                  Do or did you watch Disney channel?

When I was very young I did during the time of 'bear in the big blue house' J

4.                  Favorite Disney Princess?

Rapunzel! :D

5.                  Do you prefer Channing Tatum or Alex Pettyfer? (I would choose both if that were an option!!)

That one is soooo tough!! .... Channing Tatum purely because he has got BEAUTIFUL eyes :P

6.                  Word that you hate?

I really hate the word vajazzle! Every time I hear it I want to cringe!! I don't understand how anyone could have that done to themselves!!

7.                  Hottest superhero?

Spiderman... ooft!! ;P

8.                  Are you athletic?

Hahahaha XD definitely not, I hate sports, I go running sometimes though.

9.                  Favorite hair color and eye color?

I love ginger hair or brown hair with green eyes :)

10.              One pet peeve?

I really hate people chewing nails, I know it's pretty hard not to do but it just makes me feel sick whenever anyone does it!

11.              Worst thing you have ever done in school?

I'm not proud of it, but our class once locked our teacher in the storeroom, I wasn't technically involved in the activity but I didn't do anything to stop it either. Our teacher found it funny... in the end :P

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