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1. Where did you learn about Wattpad?

I fancied reading one of the teacher student romances so I just googled it and it directed me to Wattpad. Before that I was on Quizilla so it was sort of like Google blessing me with freedom from that pile of crap :L

2. Where did you come with the idea to write A Shy Girl had a gun?

Well basically half the time I come up with ideas for my stories when I listen to music. I was bored on a car journey once listening to my iPod and I started picturing all these different scenes where I was an actual ninja, with the music I was listening to as the backing music and just managed to come up with a whole story from there really as weird as it sounds.

3. What was your reaction when your stories became well known?

I freaked the hell out! I was so happy cause for the first few months I didn’t have many reads then all of a sudden it shot up into like the 100thousand number and I was like WOAAAAAAAAH! :L

4. Do you think that you will ever stop writing?

Probably not to be honest, it’s always something for me to do and just relax. i can make up a whole make believe place and people and it’s something that always makes me feel better.

5. Do you like a female character that is strong and independent, or one that needy, or neither?

Strong and independent. I don’t like whiny needy girls in real life, so there is no way in hell I would want to read or write about one haa.

6. What makes your stories different from the others on Wattpad?

Ummm, I don’t really know if they are. None of my stories have werewolves in them? :L I think the only thing that makes my stories different is that I write down exactly what I’m thinking which means being quite blunt and Wattpad often changing the rating to my story to R :L

8. When did you start writing?

When I was about 14, I started writing on Quizilla and since then I’ve just been making shit up and turning them into stuff hopefully people want to read :L

9. Do you share any of your work with your family? Why?

Nope not at all and that’s mostly because my stories involve a lot of sexual activity and foul language. Not really what I want to show my mum and dad :L

10. Do you have any tips for your fans?

If you want to write don’t hold back, whatever pops into your head write it down because half the time the funniest most entertaining stuff is the random shit that flashes through our minds when we know no one else can hear it. And don’t worry about what others think; if they don’t like it they don’t have to read it.

11. Do you like or dislike rude comments?

They amuse me to be honest. I’ve been lucky enough that I haven’t had that many but the ones that I do have make me giggle. Some comments are actually quite useful when its creative criticism because it allows me to improve my stories so I encourage them, but some people are just plain rude and to those people, I would like to say to get a life and if you don’t like a certain story don’t read it.

12. Do you think you’re humorous in your stories?

I try my freaking hardest to be! I love the idea I can make other people laugh so hopefully!

13. Do you make many spelling mistakes in your stories?

A butt load. I proof read each chapter about 4 times and I still post it and think CRAP I spelt that wrong :L

Fun question

1. What do you think about Friends with benefits stories and did you ever have a FWB?

I freaking love them. The film is amazing and the whole idea of being that comfortable with a person you're getting dirty with and falling in love is appealing to any female. And I currently am in a situation like that and, he’s my best friend and I trust him with my life, but whenever we are a certain mood we end up together. The next morning we're watching SpongeBob and acting normal. It’s a good arrangement.

2. Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight or none of above? Why?

Harry Potter cause I grew up with it and it’s a classic. Hunger games books though are AMAZING and the film is immense. Twilight can suck my balls.

3. All-time favorite song?

Don’t really have one to be honest.

4. Who is in your profile picture?

My FWB ;) haaa (see question 1 lol)

5. Do you like boyxboy stories?

I don’t mind them but I don’t really choose to read them. When I read a book I want to imagine myself as the main character. As much as I act like a dude, I’m not actually one so no not really hahaa.

6. Do you think that every girl needs a gay friend?

I HAVE A GAY BEST FRIEND! He only came out a few months ago but I was so excited because we can actually talk about boys like little girls and it’s ridiculously enjoyable.

7. What do you always carry around?

Blackberry, Purse and Cigarettes (I know, sick habit don’t judge me)

8. Are you sarcastic?

Sarcasm is my first language.


Hope you enjoyed my interview with Makeandoffer and go check out her stories, they are worth it.


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