NocteLamia101 Maybe a published Author and shes Canadian

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Interview with NocteLamia101

An interview with a maybe soon to be published author in Canada!!

Ω Where did you find Wattpad?

I was actually complaining to my best friend that I would love to put my story online, but I didn't know where. So she suggested Wattpad, because she already had an account.

Ω One thing you hate about Wattpad? Trust me everybody has them!

I guess the thing I hate most about Wattpad would be how confusing it is the first time. I remember when I created my account I didn't go on for like I week because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Then finally when I was at my bff house she showed me how everything worked and from that day I was just so obsessed. I don't even go on Facebook anymore or on messenger, because I think Wattpad it so way better.

Ω Where do you get your inspiration to write?

I always have some story floating in my head. Sometimes I get an idea from what someone says. And it trickers an "idea". Then I focus on that "idea" all day until I come up with a story line, a plot, the characters and so on, and when thats done I write it down somewhere so I remember it, and when I feel like working on it I know it’s there.

Ω You also have a book called mermaid tale would you like to share what it’s about?

Sure, I guess A Mermaid Tale is one of my stories that I find most original because it’s a whole new concept about mermaids, but I still use the basics, kind of like my vampire story. Anyway, basically Mermaid Tale is about this girl Tarabelle Johansson, a 18 year old girl who finally wanted take her life away. Despite having a wonderful older brother named Ridge, Tara wasn't happy, she was depressed. Who wouldn't be? Her mother has been dead for over six years, her dad was a jobless drunk, that had fun abusing Tara in every single way.

The day Tara finally "quits" her job, she also decides to quite her life the easy way by jumping off a bridge. But when she jumps off and begins to drawn and slowly dies, she's saved. By a mermaid.

You would think that the mermaid would've swum Tara back to the surface; no instead she also turns her into a mermaid.

Now, not only is Tara stuck under water in a kingdom full of human fish and has no idea how to adapt, but she also falls for the prince (soon to be king) Taiven. Not only is the mermen engaged, but Tara finds out that his bride to be Adara is not who she appears.

While all of this happens under sea, back on land Tarabelle's older brother Ridge, attempts to find out what exactly happened to her.

Ω Have you thought about entering the Watty Awards?

Watty Awards.... that would be like a dream come true, but I guess I'm scarred. Because so many great stories on up for the Watty Awards and sometimes I feel like I may not be good enough. So I guess it’s more of an idea in the future, if everything goes well.

Ω What is your writing style?

I don't really think I have a writing style, but I do like to keep things real. I don't like reading stories that just sound ridiculous, so I do my best for it to not be either. But I really love the whole vampire genera, but I have this other story I'm working on its called Play it Right, and it’s like the complete and total opposite of everything else I usually do. I like to experiment.

Ω Are you excited about being published?

I'm more scarred then excited about getting published; because it’s still not 100% sure it will happen, even if everyone is confident it will. But I keep imagining what my life would be if my book really does, it would be so life changing!

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