Part Uno With Taylor of xXxAppleheartxXx!

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Hey Wattpaders I decided to do an interview with xXxAppleheartxXx and they are two users Taylor and Dazy so I have decided to do two parts to their interview.

                                                Taylors Interview Part 1:

1. What inspires you to write?

Pretty much anything that happens in life, or anything that my friends say & do, since they're a little crazy and weird :)

2. How did you guys find out about Wattpad?

I found wattpad from quizilla, and then I think I showed it to Dazy, which brought us both here.

3. Have you guys ever thrown in personal experience in you stories?

Sometimes I’ll add a little bit of experience.

4. Do you ever share your writing to friends or family?

I only share it with my friends; I think it'd be a little weird to show my family

5. Do you write what the fans want or do you write what you want?   

I write what I want, so sometimes the fans might get a little disappointed. Sometimes i'll put something they want.

6. What do you do to get in the mood of writing?

Honestly, I don't do anything, it either comes or it doesn't for a while.

7. Do you hate rude comments from fans? Why or Why not?

It depends on how rude the comment is.

8. Do the characters in your stories resemble your personality?

Each character gets a little bit of my personality, like October gets her stubbornness from me, while Elijah (IHSH) gets his quietness from me.

9. What is your favorite book on Wattpad?

Right now it's probably Amyscence's College Life.

10. What is your favorite published book?

I have no idea. I haven't really been reading published books :P

11. Do you have any tips for you fans and others who want to write?

Don't try to copy anyone's work, be original, and don't give up if you hope to become a successful writer one day.

Hoped you enjoyed that and check out their stories, part two will be up tomorrow or Sunday. Comment, fan, and vote!!


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