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My Awesome Interview with OlexaChernethaI I was suppose to put up Saturday but I forgot. What can I say i'm only human!!

HEHE but Enjoy.I just want to say this interview was really fun and i hope you enjoy the interview and check out her stories there pretty intense!!



1. What age did you start writing?

I started writing at a very young age. Probably between six and eight. I wrote pretty bad poems and actually “published” a book at six. With full illustrations. In a word, it was awful. I couldn’t draw to save my life and I thought the actual story was a masterpiece but now that I look back, it sucked. It was just through some print books at home program.

2. What inspires you to write?

My passion is writing, singing and drawing. I come from a family of musicians, writers and designers. I’ve always wanted to choose one of those as a career choice. At first I wanted to be a pop-star but I don’t really like the lifestyle. Artists don’t make much money. But I really want to be an author! Sometimes life takes downhill turns and I love to create a surreal and strange world to escape for just a moment.

3. What’s your fav genre?

My favorite genre is definitely paranormal, or maybe romance. If those aren’t around I love to read fantasy or adventure books!

4. Do you think that most Wattpad stories are unoriginal or cliché?

I think there's a half and half balance between cliché and unique. We all love those cliché books and those rare unique gems.

5. What was you first reaction when you saw so many fans and so many reads

on your stories?

Ouch, my first reaction. I was like...Er...what? And then of course acted like a dork and danced around the room.

6. Have you ever shared any work with any family member of friend?

Yes I did have a zombie story that I shared with my pals. I asked my dad to edit for me and he of course had to give it to my mother who freaked out at the violence.

7. What’s one thing you have to do while you’re writing?

Ergh! I ALWAYS have to listen to music! Always, always, always! I listen to the song and the song inspires me to write the next chapter. Sometimes I even get up and walk around. I also act out a scene sometimes.

8. Do you have any tips for writing?

Thesaurus and spell check and grammar. Repeating words and spelling/grammar mistakes make a story worse than it actually is. Which is funny because I suck at grammar.

9. What made you want to write The Love of an Alpha Mate?

Well, werewolves are really popular right now. I wanted to try my hand at writing one to see how it turned out.

10. Do you proof read all the time?

I proofread a little bit before I post the chapter. After a bit I go back and try to correct the mistakes. But that’s hardly ever.

11. Do you enjoy criticism?

Yes and no. Creative criticism I love to hear. But sometimes I’ll receive criticism that’s coarse and degrading. I like it as long as it’s intuitive.

12. Why do you write?

I write because I’ve always wanted this world to contain something more than it actually does. I’ve always wanted to reach out and touch something and have it linger instead of disappearing as soon as it came. I write because it leaves something behind. A little bit of me, I guess. It’s a place where I don’t have to worry that life is fleeting and sometimes trivial and unexciting. My friend says I’m leaving my vision and curiosity all over history.

13. Why do you usually have sex scenes in your book?

To tell you the truth, I don’t really know. Maybe because I’m passionate about many things. And I guess sex is sort of like passion incarnate if it actually means something to the couple. Something to be savored.

 Fun Questions

1. What’s you fav color(s) and why?

My favorite colors are gold, bronze and silver. I love night and day, and these colors always remind me of them. They’re so fresh and light.

2. What do you do when you’re not writing?

School. Lots and lots of school. Or I just sit around and watch TV. The more interesting side of me takes walks barefoot and lays on her roof under the stars to sleep.

3. Are you emotional when you watch a romance movie?

Emotional in a retarded way. I always pretend to be disgusted when the people on screen kiss or show affection for one another, but secretly I kind of adore romance movies.

4. Do you have a passion?

Writing! I love to write, I would write all day if I could or dancing. I love to dance and sing. But I think my real passion is for strange/odd things. Not in a bad way. Just things that is odd in an unearthly way.

5. What your opinion on friends with benefits? Are they great or bad?

In my opinion it kind of ruins the friendship. Friendship is much better than pleasure. It lasts much longer and is more loyal to you, believe me.

6. All-time favorite musician?

Ooh, that’s a hard one. It’s either Katie Rose, Ronnie Rake or Andy Sixx.

7. What musician would you date and what actor would you date?

I’d definitely date Andy Sixx. The actor I’d date would be either Chris Hemsworth or Alexander Ludwig.

8. Who’s your celebrity crush?

Alexander Ludwig or Chris Evans.

9. Are you funny?

My friends think I am. I have more of a sarcastic humor I think, but can’t say anymore without sounding like I’m full of myself.

10. What are you awful at?

Catching things! Oh my gosh, I can’t catch something to save my life. Literally!

11. What’s your pet peeve for a guy?

Unintelligent conversation. I hate when you a guy likes you but he says nothing but pick-up lines and crude jokes. His chances wear off fast. Guys who can’t hold a remotely intelligent conversation aren’t really worth talking to.

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