Interview with TheKillJoy who is not a Kill Joy

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Interview with TheKillJoy!

Ω Tell the readers about your username?

My username? It represents My Chemical Romance (MCR). That I'm here as a fan (:

Ω Where did you get the idea about Ultra Suave?

I saw the last Sherlock Holmes movie and I HAD to write, with a combination of all my favorite TV shows and a romance (I know, not totally original). I had no idea what I was doing of course, so this whole book I've just been winging it.

Ω Why Zombies? Out of all things why would you write a story on zombies?

I thought it would be a fun book to write, and so far it has! And besides, everyone loves a good zombie book (:

Ω Are you hoping to win the Watty awards? I’m voting for you if you make the finals!!

Oh yes, I really do!! I know it's a big shot, but I'm sure we can make it! :) And thank you!

Ω Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes from TV shows (like Suits, White Collar, and Sherlock Holmes), books, life, you name it!

Ω Have you ever suffered from writers block?

Like you wouldn't believe! Is there a medicine to cure it? :P more-so on Ravenous and Nightshade, but a few weeks ago I was blank for Ultra Suave.

Ω Do you think people can run out of ideas?

Yes it's very possible! I do it from time-to-time!

Ω Do you think you will become a published writer some day?

REALLY hope so! It would be a dream come true!

Ω Do you have anything to say to your fans?

 Thank you SO SO much you guys! You have no idea how much it means to me! You got me this far (:

Ω How does it feel to become pretty popular on Wattpad?

It feels amazing and I feel lucky! I couldn't have asked for anything better!

Ω Do you have any tips on writing?

Have fun! The more fun you have, the easier it is! And try to be a grammar Nazi; it will definitely help you with your readers. I personally hate it when people don't have good grammar and I put down the book and never look back. And THESE. THESE ARE TERRIBLE. -->"CD's, TV's, 1990's, etc." The apostrophe doesn't go there because nothing is being owned (Sorry, it's a MASSIVE pet peeve) Also, twist the plot, mess with your readers a little ;) and like I said earlier. Have fun!

Fun Time

Ω What is your My Chemical Romance song?

 Oh, wow. That's a hard one. You're not going to make me choose, are you? ... Well I'd have to say... Either The Sharpest Lives or Sleep! (:

Ω Best concert you have ever been to?

Hands down the Vans Warped Tour. They're amazing.

Ω Who do you think the hottest celebrity is?

Jake Gyllenhaal. ;D

Ω Best movie you have ever seen?

Sherlock Holmes, a game of shadows. Clever, fast-paced, and witty.

Ω Do you like the badass or the good boy? Why?

Badass, because I'm a sucker for them (:

Ω Would you rather stay indoors or outdoors?

Outdoors! There's so much more to do than indoors!

Ω Stupidest thing you ever said to a guy?

A hard one, again: P Well I was texting him, (IPhone) And I said "I have dip all over my mouth" BUT it autocorrected to "I have di** all over my mouth." Soooo  embarrassing.

Ω What is the Dumbest thing you ever done?

 I was in second grade, chilling on the monkey bars with my 'BFFs' at the time. I was trying to see how far I could jump from a low standing monkey bar to one of the higher ones in rows above my head. I made it the first four times or so, but on the dreaded five, I missed and landed flat on my stomach about 6 feet down. The yard watcher teacher was laughing her ass off (I see why now), and I didn't understand why at the moment. Apparently I had landed perfectly flat, because I was in no pain. I was told that if I landed anymore wrong, I would have gotten the wind knocked outta me baaad.

Ω What is your most embarrassing moment?

I tripped and fell on a girl in a wheelchair the first week of high school. I was trying to zip up my binder with my teeth, and fell ungracefully and my papers spilled everywhere. Haha, it was funny, but oh my god.

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