Chapter 3

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The man with blue eyes intrigued me. He also confused me. He seemed cruel and vile, but that wasn't it. Something seemed different. It seemed like there was more. I don't know what it is, but I know that, today, I'm going to find out.

I have come to the Pit with mom. One of my mom's friends, Christina, has been begging her for weeks to go shopping. In truth, shopping isn't mom's thing. She does enjoy her friends though, and this is Christina's day off.

After years of pleading with him, Max finally talked dad into accepting a leadership position. His job takes up a lot of his time, but he still manages to have time with his family: my mom, my two brothers, my sister and myself. I'm the youngest in the family. My two brothers, the twins, being three years older than me and my sister being two years older than me. Since I'm the youngest, I can't exactly just go stay at a friend's house when no one's at home like my siblings. That means that if dad is stuck somewhere and mom has to go, I'm stuck going with mom. Dad is in Erudite in a meeting with Max. Normally, if there's a leaders' conference, Max wants dad with him. At least this time mom isn't gone. She helps with faction relations. She's like a representative of Dauntless. This job was created right after her initiation so that every time factions had to meet, leaders weren't required to leave the faction. There are still leaders' meetings, though, for the stuff the reps can't handle themselves. Therefore, I can't stay in dad's office today with him, so I sadly end up going shopping with mom and Chris. I detest shopping, but here I am.

Mom meets Christina at one of the shops, and Christina immediately begins to show her different clothes. Mom is normally pretty aware of her surroundings, but when it comes to me, I've learned that I can slip away pretty easily. Chris and her clothes take her attention off me and give me my chance. I slowly slip away without either of them noticing. I decide I'm going exploring. Well, not exploring. Hunting is a better word. I'm hunting for the peculiar man. I want to know... to know what is different about him.

This isn't the first time I've gone to find him. I've followed him before. Stealth has always been one of my strengths. When I walk, I make sure my feet barely just kiss the ground. I always make sure I can find a place to disappear.

I turn the corner to the place I normally find him, but today, he isn't there. I am slightly disappointed but not completely discouraged. I keep going down the hallway. I'm determined to find him. Mess hall should be empty, but I decide it's worth a try to check there.

I get lost in my thoughts as I am walking. I know, a five year old getting lost in thought, sounds unusual right? Well, mom says I'm a little smarter than most of my age group. She doesn't exactly want people to know. Why? I'm not sure. Regardless, as I'm walking I'm not exactly paying attention to where I'm going. I run into something big, and suddenly, a pair of huge arms wraps around me and lifts me. My eyes go wide as they are met with a pair of stone cold blue eyes....

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