The same happened to the others. Gladio fell into  a deep memory he cherished. He walked over to a tent perched on a flat piece of land in a beautiful forest. The smell of fresh food filled his nose as his father cooked and the very young Iris giggled and begged for her brother to play in the river. He followed her with no questions and began splashing in the river that ceased to exist.

Ignis felt warmed and happy to relive the memory of finally watching Noctis grow up and be independent. The day that Noct seemed to break, but Iggy was there the whole way comforting him. He saw the dishes piled high in the sink each coated in the failed attempts of cooking that Noct desperately wanted to do because he didn't 'Need' Iggy. The scene quickly changed to Iggy teaching Noct how to cook his favorite dish. A tear-jerking moment indeed. His hands wailed in the air as he prepared invisible food.

Cor was the last to fall as Ardyn hadn't learned much from him, but he knew that he hated to fail  so he used that as a trigger point. Cor stepped into the King's throne room, the day he was terrified he didn't do well enough, but also the day he would find out whether he was worthy enough to help guard alongside the King and the people. The memory replayed perfectly, with each and every emotion felt and finally the euphoria of hearing the words "Congratulations." As he was given the role. Cor fell to his knees thanking the King that was no more.

Ardyn laughed as he watch the rest of the troops get killed without the help of their stronger leaders. Ardyn ensured that they weren't killed until he wanted them to, but he was growing impatient and bored.

"Line them up alongside me." Ardyn commanded.

The boys were detained and had their wrists in knots as they were slumped over on the ground. They were still seeing Ardyn's illusions and had no escape from them.

"I wanted to start with the least important... but he isn't here. So let us end the next best thing." Ardyn smirked with his weapon at hand, approaching Cor.

Prompto finally made it to the edge of the battlefield and could only briefly see the group lined up at Ardyn's feet.

"Good night." Ardyn laughed raising his sword up high.

Prompto was very angry and flung his body off of the chocobo. He ran to the edge and jumped into the crowd. The gunfire and the sword fighting began once more behind Ardyn which disturbed him.

"Hey! I thought I told you all to Stop!" He turned quickly very angrily and watched the army stand down, but one gun firing was still heard. Prompto was making his way through the crowd, shooting the MT's in the head as he walked by.

"Oh Prompto! Welcome to the party... no need to kill the guests now... I have tonight's  dinner already on the table." Ardyn winked, pointing at Prompto's friends.

Ardyn raised his hand in hopes of sending Prompto into his dreams, but it did not work for he could see through the trickery.

"Huh?! How's that possible?" Ardyn freaked out, reaching out to grab Prompto's neck, but was disturbed to see a common face- almost a mirror.

Prompto's eyes and mouth oozed with black, but he smirked and stared deeply into Ardyn.

"It's too late for you now anyway boy..." Ardyn thought he was cunning, shouting at his Soldiers. "Kill him and the others, but leave Noctis to me!"

They did not move a limb.

Ardyn was confused so he stared back at Prompto again.

He quoted Ardyn in a clever and cunning way.

"My curse is also my blessing."

Prompto raised his hand and the whole army turned on Ardyn, they also began fighting themselves to reduce troops. Ardyn quickly fled by disappearing and appearing in different areas of the arena, breaking the connection with the boys. They all woke up tied and on the floor with Prompto in front of them, bleeding black.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now