Dungeon Dilemma

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With Noct's physical body strength almost fully healed and Prompto coming to grasp with his powers the group decided to finally head out in search of weapons and remedies for the battle to come.

"Our best strategy is to find a dungeon. The beasts and demons will be strong, but it'll be good training after all and to see whether your weaker bodies can cope." Cor announced.

"So you're staying then?" Gladio questioned.

"Yes. I'll be sticking around for a little while to aid you and then I will leave to gather up as many troops as I can to help in the final battle. It isn't far from now." Cor left an anticipating tone hanging in the air.

The Regalia pulled up on the side of the road as the moon slowly began to peak over the horizon. They each left the car and crept slowly towards the entrance. Prompto still walked with a limp as his leg was yet to heal.

"Nighttime is approaching so we better get into the dungeon quickly!" Iggy ran on ahead with Cor.

Noct stood by Prompto's side to ensure his safety whilst Gladio remained as the guardian for the two. They slowly creeped closer and closer to the entrance and caught up with Iggy and Cor who were hiding behind large concrete pillars. Noctis peered around the corner to see what they were hiding from and he saw small creatures with hooded cloaks and magic oozing from their skin guarding the entrance.

"They don't look too hard to take down. They're about the size of my boot..." Noct confidently spoke, walking forward with a strut. Prompto grabbed his jacket and yanked him backwards.

"And I thought Cactuars were cute and small until I spend weeks pulling out their spikes embedded in my skin!" Prompto Warned Noct.

"Good point..." Noct changed his mind.

"Illusion magic is what they use. Clever, but deadly creatures. We must take them down as quick as possible and use as much fire as you can; They hate it!" Cor prepared his weapons. Daggers that burned brightly with flames.

The group were amazed at his weapons as they continued to pull theirs out. Noct readied his elemental powers, absorbing the nearby fire points.

"3...2...1!" Gladio counted with enthusiasm as he was happy to be back fighting.

The group charged at the 6 small beasts and dealt a few good hits before the demons realised they were being attacked. Noct and Prompto retreated back for a moment as they devised a joint strategy.

"Use your heavy gun! I'll catch you when you fall back because it has quite the kick." Noct smiled.

"Alright!" Prompto walked as fast as he could with his leg and approached the beast. He pulled out the weapon and shot it. A spark of electric travelled through the air before turning into a fireball as it made contact with the beast. Injuring the nearby demons along with it. The kick back was very powerful and send him flying backwards, but landed safely in Noct's arms who picked him up and scruffed his hair.

"Nice shot." Noct winked.

"Nice catch." Prompto winked back.

Meanwhile, Cor was throwing his daggers at the demons to deal great damage and then summon then back. However, the demons had learnt his pattern and began to use his flame daggers against him. Iggy with his lance and Gladio with his great sword both decide to attack from each side to ensure ultimate damage and that the beast can't run away and escape. They too found this successful until the little rascals began using illusion magic, confusing the three and making them stumble all over the place. Noct and Prompto had to come to their rescue.

"Ermm... how are we going to do this? Their illusion magic is so powerful that we can't even stun them to stop using it." Noct scratched his head.

"I have no idea. If we get too close we will get confused too..."

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz