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The sound of the door slowly echoed into Prompto's awaking conscious. His body was still laying on the floor alongside his broken wheelchair. He slowly raised his head, eyes bloodshot and swollen. Blood stained his face and his whole body twitched every few seconds. The lock on the motel door was stretching and nearly snapping he had to move fast.

The boy forced his body along the carpet, using his fingernails to grip into the fibres to hoist his body inch by inch. He did this all the way to the bed where he used his arms to help him up. By now the whole street of Old Lestallum was filled with MT's and the whole building was becoming surrounded. The only opening Prompto could see was through the back window and across the fields alongside the river where only some stragglers approached the town.

There was no time to find the others, he had to escape because after all, he made a promise to Noct to stay alive for him and he will fulfil this promise until time itself can't keep Prompto alive.

The slim body slumped onto the bed as he took a while to catch his breath. He hadn't walked in weeks because of his leg, so this escape was going to be painful and difficult. His arms reached for the window and he slid it open with all his strength. Hobbling over, step by step he rested the weight of his body on his hips as he balanced on the windowsill. With one great big push, he fell out of the Window and onto the grass. As he helped himself up and began limping away, he could head the door breaking open behind him. The broken droids still looking for their leader.

His legs took him across the grass field, the flowers catching onto his shoes as if they were holding onto him and giving him strength. The emotions on his face described a million stories, he was in pain, scared and sad. Anything could happen to his friends.

A straggler approached him with red eyes and a green helmet. It was slow and almost trance like as if approached Prompto. He pulled out his gun without hesitation and shot it in the head without even looking. He continued to do this each time, he was fed up by now.

The concrete bank was approaching, it was the walls to the long and winding river. He stepped up onto it and slowly followed it, weaving in and out with the river. He pushed all of his emotions to the back of his head as he was determined to get away. It took hours to find a suitable camping spot because of his leg.


Noct's body was almost corpse like. His head tilted to the side and blood rushing from his skull. He always sprawled up against the Regalia and laying on the concrete ground after being thrown. Iggy let out a scream, running to his side and checking him over. Gladio worried too much and focused on the prince instead of the horde that was closing in. With all his anger he turned and slashed at least a dozen with his great sword.

Iggy slowly moved Noct's head, he worried his neck and spine were broken and that he was dying.

"We have to get to safety!" Gladio shouted.

"I'll take Noct, make a path to the motel!" Iggy had no choice but to agree.

He carefully picked up Noct, supporting his neck and back carefully and ran alongside Gladio. They ran into the Motel room that Prompto was in.

"The lock... it's broken!" Gladio held the door shut with his body.

A soldier cane out from the corner of the room, lunching towards Iggy and aiming for his neck with its bare hands. He quickly pulled out his dagger and sliced its head off, ensuring Noct was still safely in his arms.

Ignis placed Noct on the bed and threw the other furniture pieces in front of the door to hold it shut and that's when he noticed the broken wheelchair. He crouched next to it.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now