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Prompto downed many glowing bottles at once in hope that they aid him in the next coming moments.

"You sure that's safe?" Noct laughs.

"At least I'm not dead yet." Prompto  jokes.

The three men march towards the entrance of the Empire. Thick white snow became a problem as they had to crawl through the layers of freezing cold ice. They were camouflaged in white and black clothing as they crawled closer to an entrance.

A large hangar was stood in front of them. Housing for thousands of vehicles and ships and more importantly, the Regalia sat heavily guarded in the centre.

Cor whispers to the others, "Hey isn't that your car?"

"Yes!" Noct replies.

"One step closer." Prompto crawls towards the gate.

"Once we get Iggy and Gladio, the alarms will be going and we will have to get out of her, Fast! Which means one of us will have to secure the Regalia." Cor explains.

"I can do it." Prompto spoke with determination.

"You sure?" Noct zips up Prompto's jacket for him.

The blonde boy only replies with a smile and begins to sneak behind the crates in the hangar, Cor and Noct watches him before silently taking down a guard and entering though a door.

This was Prompto's moment to show his independence and that he can work without the strength of his friends. He crouched behind a blue box that read 'Chemicals' and loaded his gun with plenty of ammo. Without making a sound, his black boots gently crushed the dirty white snow as he snuck behind another crate.

A metal guard was in his sights and obstructing his path. With a feint whistle, Prompto got its attention and lured it towards him. In no time Prompto gripped its neck tightly and began squeezing it with all his might. Dark memories began flooding back and a heavy feeling grew over him. He couldn't stop until sparks were flying and the soldier was dead. The metal head turned quickly as it's neck broke and flopped onto the cool floor. This was only one of them. He pushed on and was focused on not getting sidetracked.

The steed was strapped down tightly to a wooden board as if it was waiting to be transported. Prompto had to work quickly to make sure it didn't fly away right in front of his eyes. With a few long strides, his pale hands met the silver Buckle on the black straps, quietly but quickly adjusting them to make them looser. A hurdle appeared in front of him as he realised the straps had been fed through the alloys on the wheels and the thin boy had no chance in lifting the car up to release it. Time was short so he decided to continue onwards and loosen the other straps.

The clinking and clanking caught the attention of one of the nearby patrols. Luckily for Prompto these ones were not hardwired to notice any changes, except obvious intruders which allowed him to leave the car unattended even with the straps all over the place. It wasn't until Prompto realised the box he was hiding behind again once more read "Chemicals" that he had an idea planting in his mind. The chemicals were poisonous, but if exploded would cause damage and melt most of the metal on the structures of the first layer of the base. It was a clever idea, but a dark one and Prompto couldn't figure out why is innocent mind was finally thinking of this. Was he truly at breaking point?

The Steel Patrol seemed to have given up easily after Prompto spent most of the time thinking. There was one strap left to release, but the others still remained tightly in the tires. With a large amount of wishful thinking, the cheerful boy sprung into the drivers seat and released he handbrake quickly in hopes of rolling the car to remove the straps. Very slowly and suspenseful the car began to roll forward and the back straps were released swiftly, making a slapping noise like a whip cracking. This time the guards noticed something different and raced towards the Regalia. Prompto slammed the gears into drive and put his foot down to the floor. The Regalia crashed through large metal gates and it was at this point that the Base was on Red alert.

Huge sirens sounded that screeched though Prompto's ears. He patiently waited near the entrance while gripping his gun tightly to shoot off any of the Empire. Finally, walking up the stairs was Gladio arm in arm with Cor and Iggy barely standing while using Noctis for assistance.

"Get in!" Prompto shouted as a leader.
The 5 squeeze in tightly to the small Regalia and began to make their journey out, but Prompto took another look at the crates before making a decision.
"For myself and the others you have damaged." He angrily spat as he pointed his gun at the bright blue container. His skinny finger pulled the trigger and the bullet began leaving the chamber. Prompto placed his gun on his lap and began driving away as fast as he could on the icy roads. As if In slow motion the crates caused a chain reaction of smaller explosions that ended up in one large mess. A thick black smoke began forming, deadly to humans and will eventually corrode metal.

No one questioned Prompto and instead pulled faces as they watched the flames and black clouds reach the sun. The drive was uncomfortable, but Prompto drove them all to safety.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora